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Della Starlight

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  1. Protected waterfront and the rolling hills and beach shore of Leebon A peaceful parcel with enough room to be creative...7056 sqm, 2422 li All at a very reasonable price $L 35,000 ($L5/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Leebon/208/244/26
  2. Thank you for solving the mystery...that's the answer!
  3. Just curious...I sold a small parcel of group-owned mainland for $L 500. The payment sent to me from the group was $L470, having a $L30 parcel directory fee deducted, and reported in the sales detail section of the group land/assets tab. I've never seen this before, having sold lots of mainland parcels in the past. Anyone have an explanation - is this a new fee? The parcel was never listed as show place in search. Thanks in advance for ideas!
  4. Lovely quiet neighborhood of rolling hills 2304 sqm $L 4800 791 li http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Leebon/203/34/65 this parcel can include an adjacent 512 sqm parcel for the same price. three 1024 sqm parcels each $L 1200: 1024 sqm $L 1200 351 li http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Leebon/179/19/63
  5. Price Reduced! --- Now $L1200 per parcel
  6. located on a hillside nice views 5 parcels available http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Leebon/122/14/52
  7. Second price reduction...now priced at $L8500 (1.7 $L per sqm) OBO
  8. Price Reduced to $L 10,000 (1.9 $L per sqm) quiet area - distant water view - protected roadside with room to expand
  9. 5136 sqm - 1763 prims $L 11,500 (2.2$L per sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Stingray/234/168/52
  10. 1024 sqm 351 prims $L 2500 to buy $L 295 per week to rent http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ghoel/193/49/22
  11. What you have to remember is that you cannot de-render anything if you are using the Second Life Viewer. You can de-render using Firestorm, and I don't know about other third-party viewers.
  12. protected waterfront and roadside a place for a small shop roadside and down below your waterfront...sail away! lovely unobstructed water views landscaping and house can remain $L 27,500 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Macclaine/171/235/39
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