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Posts posted by CosmicArchangel

  1. 7 minutes ago, Iki Kimono said:

    This is a combination I sometimes use, as I switch between the Jake body and Lara with the V-tech mod. The bad news is that there's no way to fix the neck that I know of. The best I've managed to do is whack up the neck size on the Lara using the HUD, and then use some kind of choker/wide necklace to mask the join. 

    However, Catwa did just release her first unisex head and while I'm unsure if she'd ever go back and add the option to older heads, it probably wouldn't hurt to ask.

    Of course, I'm reasonably new to using the Lara/V-tech combo so it could be that I've just missed an obvious trick. If anyone knows better, I'd also be really glad to hear about it ;)

    Oh! I will go and mess with the neck size on the Lara and see what that looks like!
    Aha I did see that Catwa did that! Just after I bought the Dino head too! I'm half tempted to just purchase the Magy head too, but ugh. Such a waste considering I like the Dino head. ; u;
    Maybe I'll muster up some courage to ask about the adding the option to the older heads, it's worth a try!
    Aha I'm new to it all, so any tricks and tips would help! ^ ^;;

  2. Okay! So I'm extremely new to SL and have been playing around with what I want my avatar to look like.... (have been literally working on this for weeks, ugh, it never ends)

    I finally came to a combo of body & head that I really like and may work - thanks to omega appliers skin may be a great fit - HOWEVER, the one thing that isn't working is the neck....

    I'm trying to combine the new Catwa Dino male head and plop it onto the Maitreya Lara body. My reasoning for this odd combo is while I'd like to have a very"femboy" type body, I still want a fairly masculine looking head. I was wondering if there is any way to fix the neck?

    Or is my perfect combo not so perfect in the fact that it's quite literally impossible?

    Any feedback and advice would help! If this combo won't work is there any place I can buy clothing for the Belleza Jake body that look a bit more feminine or maybe have an oversized look? A lot of what I'm finding is very tight shirts and most things have more of a "jock" appeal. Not exactly what I'm looking for. I like a lot of the clothing that "krankhaus" is doing for their kuroo and the kemono bodies, but I don't believe that any of that will fit the Belleza Jake.

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