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Posts posted by cunomar

  1. My own  sad , erm , foible ? is a viscous objection to keyboard warriors .

    I don't know how or why it came about , perhaps is a hangover from when we were all young men with something to prove and i was apt to say when Bill had been mouthing off about Ben in his absence "there he is tell him now what you told us" .

    I don't like it so my only recourse is to block , derender , remove myself from the situation , which ultimately just punishes me as my online presence , which was never large anyway , continuously shrinks .

    Antagonistic keyboard warriors are universally limp wristed pipsqueaks who never had a life outside of computers . They never had a fight , never bled nor broke a bone because they never got off their fat ass to do anything at all .

    Sad that SL brought forth in me all i don't like about myself in place of the rl by all accounts amiable me because the toxic minority are impossibly set to thrive through lack of consequence .

  2. If there is no victim then there is no crime . In context "adult" simply defines not suitable for children , and the reason for it is all and every adult has a responsibility to protect a child's innocence .

    LL is effectively government for SL . Governments the world over actively encourage prostitution inasmuch as you work body and soul all day every day just to make ends meet , because its taxable .

    Sex is harder to tax so in most places its illegal to sell it . But if such a study were to be performed i am sure those places of legally sanctioned brothels would show a universally lower police attendance for criminal incident than just about any nightclub .

    Gambling is not bad , neither is smoking , its for the adult to make a choice while being fully informed that both can be addictive - same as chocolate biscuits , or wine , or just about anything .

    Its easy to imagine LL performing an anti-competitive corporate takeover though .

    I see that happening right now with a long established sim , I can only assume that the rl owner died , and wonder how somebody else took over all the land (though furniture and buildings were gone) and a group running into thousands of members .

    How the hell is somebody who buys and builds hoping to make a modest success of some little club supposed to compete with that ?

    I think most of the populated adult zones are connected by a conglomerate anyway so only LL could impact upon their influence .

    Competition drives innovation and without it the owners can charge as much they like .

    Incidentally, gambling is frowned upon because it is difficult to police trace and tax . The smoking ban was in answer to the credit crunch , it forced tobacco companies to inject some of their vast reserve wealth into economies . They don't give a damn about your personal health , wealth or debts .

    • Haha 1
  3. Yay success thank you .

    Right click the hud and select edit

    Click the content tab and select default from the list .

    click the edit tab in the popup .

    find [ Standing ]TDMLstand1|TDMLstand2  delete the single digit 1 and replace it with 2 = [ Standing ]TDMLstand2|TDMLstand2 .

    And that should be my AO sorted for another 6 years 😁

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. Personally i hated mesh , everything about it is anti-intuitive . I will never fathom why anybody thought to make your body fit the clothes might be a good idea .

    Bom fixed mesh , gives me the updated look but for me in every other sense its a classic av . No layers or slots or hiding body parts and you don't end up with fingers locked widespread .

    If your a female avatar theres loads of free stuff to experiment with and create a full avatar which needs to be done in order to allow who you want to be to evolve as more possibilities come to light .

    When your ready to commit to a look go BOM .

    Only two types of male avatar as far as i know and that would be the freebie macho man or the very expensive macho man and they both go to the same gym for fugly people .

    • Haha 2
  5. Tuty daily life free male bento AO works for me far better than any of those i bought .

    Must be 4 years since i last tried and failed for hours on end to customize any AO following notecard instructions exactly . Last one i bought the seller proved very helpful and offered to add a dance to the AO hud for me . But alas it never worked .

    So yeah all i want is this free one to stop folding his arms , i went into edit and deleted that animation but it just broke it giving me error messages .

    Hitting change stand all day every day gets irritating .

  6. I have no idea who the lindens are but the way i see it they are 90% of everybody , so when they make a group decision to try to pretend sl has something to offer other than adult rated activity then  it only takes a few people to shift a few thousand alts to give the impression ballroom dancing is more popular than pole dancing .

    • Confused 1
  7. SL is depression inducing if you allow it to be .

    Without reason or purpose we simply stand around watching ourselves be bored . Do it long enough and you will withdraw into the same solitude you sought to escape by joining SL .

    I think we put it on ourselves that we should be doing something in this weird and wonderful world and it saddens us because we can't find that something .

    For me the only interesting thing in SL was the people because everyone has a story to tell and most could use just a little nudge of reassurance , confidence , sympathy , empathy , just plain understanding , which for me gave some worthwhile purpose to the game .

    For reasons of my own i no longer engage with people . I play the game by going through the motions in solitude , which is kinda sad but not depressing , it kills time .

    All the above stated for cross-reference to your own way of thinking because understanding how we feel is often the way to accept or correct it .

    I could very easily change  my game by simply letting friendship in , but alas contempt once woke will not sleep .



  8. 16 hours ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

    Got it :) You are P Dacre of the Daily M(please look it up) and I claim my five pounds.

    My 7 year old nephew was in my care when he said he didn't want to wear pink on school pink day so i explained to him that he doesn't have to because he has more right to his own individuality than they do to their stupidity . He is about 23 now and still never wears pink so perhaps he knew his own mind all those years ago .

    Drag Queens in schools , look it up , i just did for the very first time because my original post was reference to a vague notion picked up over many years of reading general news from any and every source . A specific 2 minute search got results from Birmingham UK to Canada .


    • Haha 1
  9. Microsoft will kill it just as soon as they finish stealing whatever ideas they can from it .

    unsupported actually means "we will make every effort to sabotage that which does not fit our regime" . Windows says no so intel says no so SL says no , even my printer went on strike FFS !

    Its like electric cars , that nobody wants one , needs one or can afford one , is not even a minor consideration .

    Not so sure about the LGBT argument , here in the UK its becoming almost a compulsery legal requirement and training begins before puberty .

    • Haha 3
    • Sad 2
  10. Real life or virtual the principal remains the same .

    Police arrived a week late when my stepdaughter was threatened with knives by a gang on her own doorstep and they offered as advice that she shouldn't report the matter because she might get stabbed for it . Fortunately i turned up when the police should have and the gang decided stabbing me would be a bad idea . I told them exactly what would happen if i seen them again and we never did .

    Hide and run away from bullies , report it to the teacher then hibernate for a while .

    Imagine the public outrage if government put such posters everywhere and called it a solution lol .


  11. Aye bit like all those dumb kids taking things to seriously on facebook or whatever . Maybe we should dig them up and fine them posthumously do you think .

    What exactly would i report ?

    Monday Anne pissed me off Tuesday Amy did the same Wednesday it was Alex Thursday it was Haley and Friday Becky pissed me off and so on and so on and so on for a year or two . People who had never heard me speak unless they were alts of someone who had , people who came looking for me because i'd completely removed myself from all interaction . 

    Gamers game the system , I can only rationalize that someone made a dollar bet over who could make me quit .

  12. Because "blocking ineffective"

    They can and probably are still doing it to others .

    My rl mother was murdered by her husband , because she is dead should i stop trying to protect others who still live in a similar situation ?

    I can clearly see why some are opposed to changes in the block system but i feel they are blind to how it fails .

    Perhaps i should apologise for not wanting it to happen to anyone else ?

    • Haha 1
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