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Everything posted by SimplifyKidd

  1. No, it seems to not be a possibility. When sending the problematic url through llHTTPRequest I get "Unsupported or unknown Content-Type." back in the body parameter... :-(
  2. That's an interesting idea. I will try it. Thanks!
  3. You may be on to something, Quistess! That redirected URL is workling :-) Unfortunately, that will not help me as my script gets the first url from the podcast RSS feed, and I can't see a way to follow the redirection in the script before submitting the url to the parcel... :-( Any ideas?
  4. When trying to play some podcast streams on my group owned parcel, I don't get any sound. These podcasting streams used to work here but now they seem to not work anymore. Thiis is an example of a URL that works fine in a browser but doesn't play on my land: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sparkwoodand21/2017/09/14/the-return-part-17-18-listener-feedback.mp3 Any ideas what may be wrong? Other streams, like this one, work just fine: http://radio.BigBlueSwing.com:8000/bigblueswing-64.mp3
  5. I like it! I will see if I can figure it out 🙂
  6. Hm... I see. It's not that straight forward... Scaling will only get me so far, as my prims have very different sizes. So, moving the linked prims might be a better way.
  7. I am making a HUD but when creating a minimize button I noticed that alphaing out all the objects only tuned the HUD invisible but still made it clickable, so that I cannot sit on a chair that is "behind" the invisible HUD. Is there a command for making an object "untouchable" rather than invisible?
  8. Thanks, Wulfie! That's even better! 🙂
  9. Yes, it would have been much nicer if the list was passed by reference. What I need to do is convert a list that comes through a http call (so it is just a string with comma separated values) and convert it into an SLS list. I need to do this for up to 10 different lists (maybe more), so I wanted to be able to code the conversion of any string into any list in function_a and just call that function with the different lists and comma separated strings from function_b: list function_a(string Values, list The_list) { ... convert Values into The_list ... return (The_list); } function_b { List1 = function_a(Values1, List1); List2 = function_a(Values2, List2); ... etc }
  10. Thanks a lot! Yes, my example was just an example to know if the argument would be passed as a pointer, so that my_list from function_b would actually have a value after calling function_a. But it seems that I will have to return the list to get the value back to the calling function_a.
  11. Is it possible to pass a list as an argument to a local function, like this: function_a(list the_list) { the_list += ["a new value"] } function_b() { list my_list; function_a(my_list); }
  12. OMG! How could I miss that??? Thank you, Lindal!
  13. I know that links are automatically created in the inventory when you save "outfits" in the Appearance window. But is it possible to create links to your wearable items inside the Inventory. Specifically under the #RLV folder? So I don't have to have multiple copies of the same clothes. Regards, Gordon Cole
  14. I do. I can take the existing scripts out and add new scripts. I can add textures etc. So, I thought someone else might have created a new script for it before I do it.
  15. Has anybody tried to write a new script for the Post-O-Matic post box, so that you can use your own graphics for the postcards that are sent from it? ... or have you had any luck getting the creator to modify it for that? Regards, Gordon Cole
  16. I will try to add some messages to follow what happens. Basically, everything works fine - except that the textures are not updated. When I use it the textures are updated just fine.
  17. The script is fairly simple. It basically sets some textures based on the content of an object. The idea is to make a trading card album that shows the trading cards that you have put into the album. I identify the cards in the album by their name, ie all cards have a name that ends with the card number. That number correspond to a position in the list of texture uuids that I have in the variable "Textures". Then there is a simple menu to "navigate" between "pages" in the album. integer Page; integer Card; integer CardSlot; string CardNumber; list Textures; list buttons; string dialogInfo; key ToucherID; integer dialogChannel; integer listenHandle; show_page(integer PageNumber) { integer Pocket; for (Pocket = 1; Pocket <= 6; Pocket++) { if (PageNumber*6+Pocket < 10) { CardNumber = "0" + (string)(PageNumber*6+Pocket); } else { CardNumber = (string)(PageNumber*6+Pocket); } if (llGetInventoryKey("TPL Trading Card " + CardNumber)) { llSetLinkTexture(8-Pocket, llList2Key(Textures,PageNumber*6+Pocket-1), 4); } else { llSetLinkTexture(8-Pocket, "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", 4); } } } default { changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { show_page(Page); } } state_entry() { llAllowInventoryDrop(TRUE); Page = 0; CardSlot = 1; Textures = ["3d271494-2ba3-5272-100b-b9e406685b7b", "187e47ee-0f7a-f0ab-9bc4-86092ce2b1a4", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "44aa463b-9bb0-7356-36a7-0c55a000caf3", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b99340f3-5c19-ce37-de55-51016e2dbd54", "c00cd56a-d847-0b47-9d08-f8924ccd29e2", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "20238f28-1518-ca52-770e-d531e1fd5210", "6546fa01-0e71-bf9b-7b70-86c44a5ef692", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "4dc8b43d-44ea-81c4-21ae-e762b043e2a6", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "28c86214-28ca-7da4-e7fb-3b3dc734e98a", "3a8b4a77-31f0-b0ae-6499-4fe1a10a44e5", "d500342d-c3e3-0a1c-b2a9-5f74fbad51c3", "897c32e0-d0b0-8d26-e781-47571efb308f", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "e11e7d09-2362-fecb-5745-1d709042a05d", "8faea0fa-e5a5-6dbf-395f-e4b0c4951fc1", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "3cba3bc8-cc82-de0a-221a-049635a3c83a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "56b0b319-09e2-3c0e-2f1e-b883cf58fdcf", "db22e6bc-6122-8185-b185-328d2e13aa00", "99821c47-ab22-ded0-dc83-a9c713a6228e", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "40919944-ed91-37f7-6318-3264653e8442", "8ebda523-2c81-bce6-5954-7a2c165d7e29", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a", "b7c32455-6642-59b4-2265-312cb281914a"]; buttons = ["<--","Quit","-->","First","Instructions","Last"]; dialogInfo = "Drop your Twin Peaks Laboratory trading cards into the album content and then navigate your trading card album to view your cards.\nNow viewing page " + (string)(Page+1) + " of 9."; show_page(Page); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSetAlpha(0, ALL_SIDES); ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); llListenRemove(listenHandle); listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", ToucherID, ""); dialogInfo = "Drop your Twin Peaks Laboratory trading cards into the album content and then navigate your trading card album to view your cards.\nNow viewing page " + (string)(Page+1) + " of 9."; llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); llSetTimerEvent(100.0); // Here we set a time limit for responses } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message == "-") { llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); return; } if (message == "<--") { Page--; if (Page < 0) Page = 8; Card = CardSlot + Page*6; show_page(Page); dialogInfo = "Drop your Twin Peaks Laboratory trading cards into the album content and then navigate your trading card album to view your cards.\nNow viewing page " + (string)(Page+1) + " of 9."; llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); return; } else if (message == "-->") { Page++; if (Page > 😎 Page = 0; Card = CardSlot + Page*6; show_page(Page); dialogInfo = "Drop your Twin Peaks Laboratory trading cards into the album content and then navigate your trading card album to view your cards.\nNow viewing page " + (string)(Page+1) + " of 9."; llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); return; } else if (message == "First") { Page = 0; Card = CardSlot + Page*6; show_page(Page); dialogInfo = "Drop your Twin Peaks Laboratory trading cards into the album content and then navigate your trading card album to view your cards.\nNow viewing page " + (string)(Page+1) + " of 9."; llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); return; } else if (message == "Last") { Page = 8; Card = CardSlot + Page*6; show_page(Page); dialogInfo = "Drop your Twin Peaks Laboratory trading cards into the album content and then navigate your trading card album to view your cards.\nNow viewing page " + (string)(Page+1) + " of 9."; llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); return; } else if (message == "Instructions") { llGiveInventory(ToucherID, "Collecting Twin Peaks Laboratory trading cards"); return; } else if (message == "Quit") { llSay(0,"Closing the album..."); llSetAlpha(1, ALL_SIDES); return; } else { // do any other action here } llListenRemove(listenHandle); // stop timer since the menu was clicked llSetTimerEvent(0); } timer() { // stop timer llSetTimerEvent(0); llListenRemove(listenHandle); llWhisper(0, "Sorry. You snooze; you lose."); } }
  18. This is odd. I don't have any llGetOwner commands in my script. It seems to be the call to llSetLinkTexture that only works when I'm owning the object... I will have to experiment more...
  19. I want to create an object that can set the texture of a linked object's face (using llSetLinkTexture) by referencing the texture's UUID - ie without actually including the texture inside the object. My script and object works just fine for me but when someone else buy's my object the llSetLinkTexture command does not seem to work. It's like they don't have access to my textures. I have tried setting the "Group" property to "Share" on the texture (in my inventory) but that does not seem to help. Is it not possible to make my textures available for the llSetLinkTexture command without including the textures in the object?
  20. Sure, Rolig. I was not talking about showing the actual object. I wanted to show the texture of an object in the repository to indicate how the object looks. Such a face of a person, a checkered board etc.
  21. I would like to apply the texture of an inventory object to a linked object. Basically, I want to be able to show how what is inside my scripted object looks. So, is there a way to reference the texture of an inventory object?
  22. Well, now that I can flip the card, I can show you the back side that clearly states that the card has NOT been signed by Clark Middelton ? Take care!
  23. That was just what I needed! Thanks! I just moved PI to the Z-axis, and with the front of the card being face 1 (facing up) it just worked like a charm ? I have attached a picture of my cards if my description was confusing.
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