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Posts posted by Lindadelicious

  1. On ‎28‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 5:22 PM, Christhiana said:

    Upload the textures seperate from your mesh for the reasons Drongle already mentioned in the previous post.

    This solved my problems. Thanks for hint, Christhiana and Drongle McMahon.


    Simple explanation for newbies like me:
    1. Paint the texture in Blender as you do normally

    2. In UV-view save image (png for example)

    3. Do  the model export+import as dae normally. Forget textures. Only care about physics.

    4. Upload the image separately (and pay 10L :-)

    5. Apply the texture. It will be automatically aligned as it was in Blended. Magic!!

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