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Posts posted by GarouGrey

  1. Hello!

    I am seeking a scripter to cast their magical mumbo-jumbo, and call to the demonic arts of LSL (Or is it SLS??)

    What's the opportunity? To script a two part AO hud that to control both an attached animesh avatar component, as well as the avatar (think normal avatar upper body, animesh lower body) in a way that will allow RP action buttons, animation syncing for all movements, and synced ground sits. Ideally in a way that's low lag, OR have the option to be low lag, minimal function, like a simple movement AO, with a ground sit override.

    And one last note. Core code need not be modifiable, but animations need to be changeable as I am a content creator looking to make and sell more complicated avatars for RP use. Folks love making their own animations, and an AO is no good if they can't customize it. So, mod friendly, and up for being part of a sold item.


    CAN PAY!!!

  2. UPDATE::

    The AO hud, and the animesh code are not communicating. I will need to do a few things--- 1) establish a llRegionSayTo and a llListen, 2) Make it so the regionsay toggles along with the HUD's "SitAnywhere_ON/SitAnywhere_Off" true/false thingy

    • Like 1
  3. Okay, so, here's the gist::

    I am making an animesh attachment for my avatar to wear. I am using the Zhao-II as the animesh's core code--- AND wearing a Zhao-II coded AO, I'll refer to them as Zhao-Avatar, and Zhao-Animesh to avoid confusion later. I also will fully admit I know next to NOTHING about LL scripting.

    When I enable the ground sit button on the Zhao-Avatar, the animesh does not recognize the changed state, and doesn't play the correct animation. When I click the ground, and select "Sit Here" the animesh DOES play the correct animation, because it recognizes the avatar has changed animation states.

    What do I change in the Zhao-Animesh to recognize the HUD button on the Zhao-Avatar's AO?

  4. I'm not sure this has been asked yes, and please accept my apology for not reading through the 31 pages of replies to this topic..... I did try to search for keywords before askin.

    How will Bakes On Mesh affect things like non-human avatars?

  5. Hello!

    As we all know, Second Life is all about having an experience-- an enjoyable one! But that's not entirely what this topic is about; this topic is a request for help. I'll start by saying that I am not paid or endorsed in any way by anyone. I merely want to help. There is someone in one of my groups that is not getting an enjoyable experience out of SL, specifically, learning to be a content creator for SL. They are deaf, and do not learn well by text alone, or even image guided text. Video isn't very helpful either. Instead of us getting frustrated, as anyone can understandably be when language barriers are involved, I figured I'd reach out and see if anyone was willing to help.

    Tutorials all across Youtube, and the internet in general are a fantastic resource, but mostly for the hearing. I was hoping there might be at least one person who'd be willing to get with people like Avastar (who one of the moderators thought was a fantastic idea) to do Sign Language translations for the instructions going on in the video. I'm sure it would make a world of difference for this one person in the group, and likely MANY more. And it would be awesome if it could go beyond Avastar, and branch out into other tutorials pertinent to SL.

    PLEASE, let me know if you're able to do this! I don't know Sign Language (yet) but I'm hoping to learn, and help.


  6. I have a  drider, that's a Spider person for those who don't know, that I would like animated by October. The front row of legs are the wings, second row are the front armature legs, third row and forth row share the rear armature legs. The wings present an issue due to their parent,  but tried to keep it from being terrible. I'd love a quote for a full AO, please send me a NOTECARD inworld, or reply to this 'ad'.

    *****EDIT:: I actually changed up the leg rigging. Wings in front, legs, and the tail.... the one with the tail has a mirror modifier to reflect on the other side since the hind most legs don't do much isolated articulation. It works in world! The rigging is pretty swank. just needs animations.

  7. I've been searching as best I can for the script used to put into a hud, that allows you to apply a texture to a worn mesh object--- like skins with mesh bodies. I can't seem to track it down.

    please help!

  8. Hello,

         I am the owner of a newly opened store, and I am seeking animators who would like the opportunity to be a part of new creations. Right now I have a unique bento mer tail that needs animated. I am hoping you'd be willing to animate for my mesh and sell the AO in your store, or be willing to trade for a finished copy of my mer tail (no trans) once I have it textured. I know it's not much, but perhaps in the future I will have more to offer.

        If this interests you, please send me (GarouGrey Resident) a notecard inworld.

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