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Posts posted by Harloxzz

  1. I think Metaverse will be the future it will be the best creation in the history of mankind but we will see what Metaverse world will be the dominant in the future SL or Facebook Meta? or maybe we will see many popular Metaverses competing with each other? i think the VR technology will play an important role for the Metaverses.of the future i think it will take a long time to see the true evolution of the Metaverses maybe we will see their true potential in 30 or 40 years maybe for 2060

    • Haha 2
  2. The same happens to me

    When I enter to the sims, they are all empty

    And when I start a conversation they always end up ignoring me

    I made few friends in the past but that was a long time ago and I doubt they still remember me

    I think we have bad luck



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  3. Hello everyone I've been in Second Life for almost 2 years and I have enjoyed the experience however I always had problems with lag so I have never enjoyed second life at 100%

    I've always had problems with lag so I want to find a viewer to help me improve these problems

    I have already tried many viewers but none has helped me

    This is my PC requirements  

    Intel Celeron 2.60 ghz

     4.00 GB

    Windows 7 32 bits

    I hope someone helps me and thanks

    • Haha 1
  4. Hola a todos bueno tengo una duda respecto a los visores de Second Life y espero que alguien me responda

    He estado mas de un año en Second Life y me quede maravillado del mundo pero lamentablemente cuando estoy mucho tiempo en Second Life el visor se me cierra solo y a la vez me entra un lag terrible  por lo que quiero preguntar que visor es el mas adecuado para mi?

    El único visor que me ha dado menos lag es el UKanDo pero como en los otros visores llega un tiempo en que el visor se me cierra solo y me sale una ventana de que el programa ha dejado de funcionar 

    Espero que alguien me ayude y por ultimo dejo las especificaciones de mi PC

    Procesador: Intel Celeron 2.60 ghz

    Memoria: 4.00 GB

    Windows 7 32 bits


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