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  1. I can't log into SL using any of the viewers on my computer (SL viewer, Alchemy, Catnipz), the screen is stuck on 'connecting to region' and it says (not responding) after the viewer name. The thing is i can log in my alt on the same computer, no problem AND i can log in my main using Lumiya on my phone. i changed outfits in Lumiya in case it was an attachment or something causing the issue but it hasn't worked. I have changed start location, it hasn't worked. obviously my network is fine as i can log in my alt and access internet and i doubt its a firewall issue as i can log in my alt. Does anyone have any ideas or help? Edit: I managed to log in by installing Firestorm but I now realize the issue has something to do with an entire folder that disappeared from my inventory while using Lumiya (it isn't in trash, lost or found etc). Items that were in the missing folder, that are in outfits I made cause issues with viewers on my computer (I just tried to click one such item in an outfit and Firestorm froze and is now stuck on '(not responding)'. I will contact the app developer but if anyone knows why items in a missing folder would cause issues with the viewers on my computer, I'd appreciate any input.
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