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Everything posted by purplegreenred

  1. This is in reply to you and anyone else who may read this: Someone told me in-game to re-unpack the original box of the body if I still had it, which I did, so I did just that... and it worked! Yaaaay. So, if anyone else ever runs into this problem and sees this: unpack the original box and use that from now on, since it apparently resets everything. The person in-game also said to do a redelivery of the item or contact the owner for a new one if I didn't have the original box still. So, good luuuuck!
  2. So, I had my Belleza Jake body HUD open, and for the first time since owning it I clicked a "clear all scripts"(or something like that) button, which I'm assuming is what's caused this issue. Since clicking said button, I now cannot open the HUD. I can attach/detach it fine, I can see it on my screen fine, I just can't actually open it to edit anything on it like I could before. When I try, it gives me this message: "-Belleza- Jake Body HUD *Beta* V 1.1: No compatible attachments detected." Was gonna send a notecard to a Belleza person, but I'm not even sure which one to send to, as there are a few of them apparently and I'm... confused. I'm pretty new to SL, so yeah, Idk what to do half the time. Lol. Anyone out there that can help me please? So lost here. =s
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