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WhiteRock Darkstone

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Posts posted by WhiteRock Darkstone

  1. Well, I uploaded it using the SL browser and, walla, after changing it to a prim, it's working fine! So, the second issue I was having was because the Singularity browser wasn't processing it correctly, apparently.

    Thank you so much for your help! I truly appreciate it! Now, on to my next mesh build! Feel free to say hi inworld. Have a great day!


  2. Here is a photo of the physics tab of the mesh upload window. This is after I clicked on Analyze. You can see these phantom angles I was talking about. :/ - I was wondering, does it matter which browser I'm using? I use Singularity.





  3. Thanks for the reply. That partially helped. Now I can get past the last step on the stage, but, there is still an invisible angle in there. If I walk towards the back, it angles up. HERE is another screenshot that shows my avatar looking like it's floating. The angle goes up from the stage entrance to the back. Any thoughts on that? Thanks so much!



  4. Hi all, I've created my first mesh building and I'm having a problem with the physics of it. It's a stage which you can see HERE.

    As you can see in the image, the stage is open, except for the roof and two shallow walls on either side. When I upload the file (exported as a COLLADA file from Sketchup 2017) I upload the same file as the physics object. But, when I rez it, I can't get the avatar to walk up on to the stage. It's being blockes by an invisible physical barrier, somehow. I can get the avatar to the top step only, and not beyond it. The same thing happens if I try to enter the stage from the sides. 

    I tried the same thing without uploading a physics file and just High in the level of detail, and the same thing happens. :/

    I'd be happy to transfer a copy to you inworld if you want to take a look to see what I mean. I'm totally stumped and I'm hoping someone can help me figure this out.

    Many thanks!


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