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  1. I live in Eagan on the mainland and I just love it there. Some of the great swathes of snowy mainland (some of which are abandoned regions) are really attractive and one of my favourite things to do is go for a walk across them. The ONSR railway is a delight. I actually ride the trains and the pods and live next to an ONSR owned information land. The group is wonderful and really welcoming. I love seeing the trains and the pods scooting around. I do wish the roads linked up better for driving on. The idea of being able to drive all over the mainland without constantly having to find a rezz station to get my car out again if I have stopped to look at something interesting is really appealing. I LOVE the idea of building parks or such on abandoned land. I would happily go out and do some landscaping or revegetation (like the green army of SL LOL) if I had permissions to, but can understand that the reality of doing so might be quite the headache for the Lindens with regards to what can be rezzed and who gets permission to do so. My own piece of mainland was abandoned until I found it and started building my own little homestead on it.
  2. Hi Valdesca, if you would like to contact me in world, I can give you a TP to my 1024 land parcel in Eagan I am thinking of selling (only because I have just bought a bigger bit of land very close by). I personally love where it is, situated in the snowlands with protected riverfront. The neighbours are lovely, the view is great....I guess the downside for some people is that the block is an "L" shape. However, I simply made houses to fit the block and to make the most of the view. I am more than willing to leave the house on the block if you like it, or to remove it completely if you don't :-) I would be willing to discuss rental if that is what you want, but I have never rented a place out before, so I would have to ask your patience with me while I learned how to do that. Cheers! Mangrovejane
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