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Everything posted by DivFil

  1. Wow, I just joined for fun, I've heard of this MMO years ago, now I've finally decided to try it. I'm a PC gamer, have pretty descent'/serious gaming machine by todays standads, well, not really crazy, but I can play GTA5 just about maxed out @1080p, and with certain mods, the game can look so damn well I'd dare ot call it even close to photo-realistic. But THIS????? OH MY GOD! I've seen the documentary on it, on Netflix, a very very sad documnentary indeed, and the sihty graphics made it ever so depressing, just added to the whole sad experience, and now, I've installed it, MAXED OUT EVVVVERYTHING except antialising, is at x8, which is still damn high enough to make any round surfaces look almost perfectly smooth, yet this game!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE ANYONE would play this TOTAL GARBAGE of a "game"! I mean, for an MMO for which developers don't have to do SIHT for, as the community itself is nerdy enough to create most of the content, in fact, the content IS mostly community developed, yet these FAAKZ, sorry but as am gamer and a business owner, I'm PISSED, these lazy jakoffz have not updated the engine pretty much since it'se release, which was it seems half a century ago! I'm shocked for all these reasons: 1. That ANYONE would still play something so darn UGLY, for SO LONG! 2. That after ALL this time, the game has gotten NO optimizations, I mean this thing glitches all over the place, no matter how powerful your sistem is, it's LAGGY AS FK! 3. The controls are THE worst of any FPS/adventure game I've ever seen and somehow are ALSO laggy and slow 4. The peripheral support and setup is almost non existent 5. The interface seems to be from the 90's 6. There is no quality tutorial or any kind of explanation 7. How OFFENDED I feel with these super ugly graphics, that with all the settings and bells and whistles such as ambient oclusion, the game appears to have NONE of it, it really makes me so damn offended. This was and still is an absolute shock and dissapointment, that I find all this energy for this true heart-felt rant, as a gamer, as an enthusiast, as a consumer. Absolutely BOOOO!!!!!! DIS-GUSTED!
  2. Wow, I just joined for fun, I've heard of this MMO years ago, now I've finally decided to try it. I'm a PC gamer, have pretty descent'/serious gaming machine by todays standads, well, not really crazy, but I can play GTA5 just about maxed out @1080p, and with certain mods, the game can look so damn well I'd dare ot call it even close to photo-realistic. But THIS????? OH MY GOD! I've seen the documentary on it, on Netflix, a very very sad documnentary indeed, and the sihty graphics made it ever so depressing, just added to the whole sad experience, and now, I've installed it, MAXED OUT EVVVVERYTHING except antialising, is at x8, which is still damn high enough to make any round surfaces look almost perfectly smooth, yet this game!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE ANYONE would play this TOTAL GARBAGE of a "game"! I mean, for an MMO for which developers don't have to do SIHT for, as the community itself is nerdy enough to create most of the content, in fact, the content IS mostly community developed, yet these FAAKZ, sorry but as am gamer and a business owner, I'm PISSED, these lazy jakoffz have not updated the engine pretty much since it'se release, which was it seems half a century ago! I'm shocked for all these reasons: 1. That ANYONE would still play something so darn UGLY, for SO LONG! 2. That after ALL this time, the game has gotten NO optimizations, I mean this thing glitches all over the place, no matter how powerful your sistem is, it's LAGGY AS FK! 3. The controls are THE worst of any FPS/adventure game I've ever seen and somehow are ALSO laggy and slow 4. The peripheral support and setup is almost non existent 5. The interface seems to be from the 90's 6. There is no quality tutorial or any kind of explanation 7. How OFFENDED I feel with these super ugly graphics, that with all the settings and bells and whistles such as ambient oclusion, the game appears to have NONE of it, it really makes me so damn offended. This was and still is an absolute shock and dissapointment, that I find all this energy for this true heart-felt rant, as a gamer, as an enthusiast, as a consumer. Absolutely BOOOO!!!!!! DIS-CUSTED!
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