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911 Steampunk

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Posts posted by 911 Steampunk

  1. I have been seeing some posts where people are looking for friends.

    I think I have some good ideas on how to make friends.


    1. Dress nice.  Have a good looking avatar.
    2. Look for people who look attractive to you
    3. Join in a conversation.  Compliment and ask questions.  People like people who talk to them, and have similar interests.
    4. Go to sims with your interests.  For example, I am interested in law and go to this law sim
    5. Join active groups that discuss what your interested in.  Go to events you are interested in.  You can search for them.
    6. Teach.  Teach at Builder's Brewery, or ESL.  You might get tips/stipends

    Things not to do:


    1. Tell people what they should say/do/wear in SL.
    2. Spam
    3. Interrupt people
    4. Give things to people, like notecards or full perm objects

    I hope this list helps!

  2. Wow!  I don't know how to respond to this!

    Here's a link:


    People on SL have not met one another face to face.  It's important to keep medical information private to protect one's self.

    I guess you can share your private information if you want.  After all, its good to get support if you are feeling bad.

    But you don't know how your medical information could be used.  It could be used against you.

  3. I feel bad about an interaction I have had in Second Life.

    This one lady in a store asked me to change what I was wearing in the store.  I have never talked to her before so I didn't want to say anything.

    This lady then IMed me saying that she was asking me to wear what she was wearing because I made her dress the way she was dressed.  She said that I made her feel bad about this and that I should empathize with her.  She says I should feel how bad she feels since I make her wear clothes she doesn't want to wear.  She said I should feel humiliated.

    I don't know this person, even though I have seen them many times before, and I don't know why she said that to me.

    I have never asked her to dress any particular way, either.  Frankly, I want everyone in Second Life to feel free to be whatever they want to be.  Why would I be obsessed with Second Life?  Because you can be whatever you want to be!

    I see her all the time as she frequents the sim I do.

    Should I confront her?  Should I tell her I don't know why she dresses that way?  Should I tell her to leave me alone?  Should I try and support her and be her friend?

    I don't really like being told that I should dress like her.  And I don't appreciate someone telling me I should feel bad like they do.

    I don't want to mute her if she needs my support but I am kind of resentful that she is accusing me of making her dress a certain way.  I really feel misunderstood.

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