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Posts posted by KillianMacrieve

  1. Mmm. I have the same "trouble". I have a lt of old stuff In my inventory that I don't use more since I became mesh. I saved some placing the stuff within prims as if closet or bagage to diminish the height of memory of the inventory and as a precaution for lag and if I had to use my standard version. But still is too much and makes a real mess even throwing many things. Yes, I would like also get some money exactly the way it happens in RL in legacy when one do a garage sale. My question is how can I do to make a garage sale to get lindens with stuff that can be useful for others, without going against rights rules?

    Would be nice if Second Life contemplate this kind of situations to let us feel more free about transactions and give us some exits about do them more close to RL situations like this, perhaps establishing some "caducity" of some permissions within the copyright rules. In RL, if I got a car and after some time I don't want it or need to sell it nobody stop me to do it since buying I got the full permissions except about trademark or pattent, is the same with clothes, furniture and other stuff and that, instead to go against the market is a way to enrich the free market. Is my opinion.

  2. Very interesting discussion and very illustrative. But.... A question, I guess all this apply only to Mainland, because, in my case, I bought with my alt in Private Estates the amount of 8912 sqm and donated to the group. I abandoned mayority of my lands at Mainland and kept only 1024 to stay within the new limit of bouns and stay at US$ 0 level since I have premium meanwhile my avi is basic (basics can't buy in Mainland, as you know very well), that 1024 are already donated to the group land. The trouble is that the total amount of group land is not shown as you can see in the next pics, neither in mine or my alt:



    As you can see, in the list of land owned by the group, it appears, from Private Estates the register 0/2496, 0/6146, but Mainland 1024. I tried to change the numbers in my alt few times to reflect the total amount donated by him 8912, but nothing change and still show that the group owes 1126 sqm, use 1024, and available 102 ??? !!!

    Does I need to resell my self (alt avi) again at L$ 0 and redonate?

  3. Hello everyone:
    I want to put to your consideration the following parcels settled for sale that will be of interest to more than one, located in two regions of Mainland edging: Morgan Pass and Borgenite.
    1.    Steppenwolf Hill southwest side and top of the hill: 3328 sqm- 1142 prims. PRICE: 5000 $L Morgan Pass [Steppenwolf Hill Parcel 1]
    2.    Steppenwolf hill Southeast slop and top of the hill: 1728 sqm – 593 prims. PRICE: 2600 $L [Steppenwolf Hill Parcel 2]
    3.    Steppenwolf hill southeast down slop of the hill: 1536 sqm – 527 prims. PRICE: 2300 $L [Steppenwolf Hill Parcel 3]
    4.    Steppenwolf hill southeast bottom slope of the hill (1344 sqm-461 prims) + Steppenwolf hill southeast bottom slope of the hill region Edge (320 sqm-109): 1664 sqm – 570 prims. PRICE TOGETHER ONLY HERE: 3000 $L [Steppenwolf Hill Parcel 4a  +  Steppenwolf Hill Parcel 4b] PRICE SEPARATED HERE OR IN CLASSIFIEDS: SPH4A = 1600 $L; SPH4B = 400 $L
    5.    Steppenwolf hill middle east slope of the hill: 1280 sqm - 439 prims. PRICE: 2100 $L [http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morgan%20Pass/220/85/61]
    6.    Steppenwolf hill bottom east slope of the hill edge of región, near to the beach: 1280 sqm – 439 prims. PRICE: 2300 $L [http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morgan%20Pass/238/91/47]
    7.    Steppenwolf hill bottom east slope ot the hill, edge region, down to and with front beach 2752 sqm – 944 prims PRICE: 6880 $L [http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Borgenite/2/60/45]

    I am open to offers as in an auction starting with the prices shown as start. Auction will end friday 25 may, 12:00 am PDT.

  4. Hey! This solution doesn't work. I use Firestorm. I accidentaly blocked the stream station in my parcel and try to do exactly that, but the station or media is not in the "black list" only in "white list". I can hear the station if I use Second Life or Black Dragon viewers (two of the three I use often) but with Firestorm I just can't.

    This is the brief: I was using Firestorm and had had the wrong url. I change it, fly away my parcel and return to check that everything worked well, when messsage about permissions appears, I accidentaly click the wrong button and blocked my station. I check "Manage media" and yes, there were the sation in black list, but in white list too. I deleted it from black list, bus stil can't hear the station. I don't know what more I can do. Help!

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