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Everything posted by BabyGirlLacey

  1. Hiya. Thankyou for your reply, its been very helpful! i am following your steps and practicing so hopefully i will get it right eventually
  2. Thankyou for your comment, I am researching and going through every tutorial i can find.
  3. Hey everyone! I am looking for someone who knows how to texture AO maps and Shadow maps using paintshop pro.. I need someone who is happy to write instructions of what i need and/or teach me to do a couple of things using the programme,, I will need those written instructions though as it can take me a while to remember exactly how to do things! So if anyone would like a little project please send me an IM in world or NC. I am more than happy to compensate for your time! but finding the tutorials or anywhere in world that teaches seems impossible! Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi guys.. Please can anyone help me.. im looking for a scripter to either give me a hand with something or talk me through doing it myself.. I basically am trying to use the open collar scripts and put them into something i want to load with RLV.. however.. I am a designer not a scripter sadly and just cannot get the hang of how this works. I have all the scripts from the open collar but clearly they all go in different places? I dont know lol.. really hoping someone can give me some advice on this. Is there anyone who would be willing to help me out please? Thankyou in advance Please drop me a IM or NC please..
  5. Hi guys.. Please can anyone help me.. im looking for a scripter to either give me a hand with something or talk me through doing it myself.. I basically am trying to use the open collar scripts and put them into something i want to load with RLV.. however.. I am a designer not a scripter sadly and just cannot get the hang of how this works. I have all the scripts from the open collar but clearly they all go in different places? I dont know lol.. really hoping someone can give me some advice on this. Is there anyone who would be willing to help me out please? Thankyou in advance :) Please drop me a IM or NC please..
  6. Hiya :) I am looking for some Bloggers to Blog some of my clothing for me.. I do mostly womens Gowns and Lingerie appliers but I also do some mens clothing, Please drop me a message or NC in world.. Thankyou :)
  7. Hiya everyone.. I have been using SL for years now but I started a new account a few months back put all my time into building etc. Now im bored :) and looking to meet new people.. Friends and Family.. I'm very outgoing and have the typical british sense of humour and personality. So if you want to chat or hang out send me an IM please, im always around most the day UK time :)
  8. Thankyou for your reply! I already knew that they were hand made textures, But i couldnt understand why there were no Flat Textures that looked as good.. I have started making my own textures (well in the process of learning how!) I am trying to figure out how to take a texture and give it a latex effect but there is a lack of PSP tutorials for this kind of thing.
  9. Hi guys! Can someone please give me some advice.. I have recently started doing mesh clothing, However I have searched high and low for decent textures.. but i cant find anything that really works for me.. Is there a way to take a plain color texture and make it look silky? I have searched everywhere for flat silks or satins but everything is wrinkled :( using wrinked on a mesh dress ends up looking strange! Am i missing something or not looking in the right places?? Some of the most amazing stores in SL (i.e Blueberry, Underground etc) have awesome textures! but you i cant seem to find anything that looks even nearly as good as them. Thankyou in advance for any help! :)
  10. thankyou for your reply, your videos have been a great help.. Only taken me 8 years to get productive in world
  11. Thankyou Chic! I have the shadow maps for most of the clothing and your instructions and link have been perfect! Finally i can texture mesh.. Thanks for your help
  12. Hiya everyone.. Just wondering if anyone might be able to help me out abit please.. I have spent a week searching the net for info on how to texture mesh using Paintshop Pro. I can' t fine any tutorials and nothing in youtube either.. I have Gimp too and also blender but having trouble working out how to texture the UV and the tutorials i did find for gimp i struggled to understand as the instructions are kinda hazy.. Really wanting to use Paintshop Pro as i know my way around the programme. Any help would be amazing, Thankyou.. You can contact me in world if easier. Thanks again guys!
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