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Everything posted by Saltasaurus

  1. Odd. I set it for sell yesterday and it did not sell (my linden balance has not changed) yet it says abandonded now. I'm getting this message when trying to downgrade. An error occurred while processing your request Basic users may not contribute land to groups. You must delete the tier contributions you made to groups which you belong before downgrading to the Basic Plan Not sure how to do this.
  2. I set my land for sell yesterday and now it says abandoned (it guess it didn't sell?), yet I can't downgrade my account to basic from premium. Anyone know why this is?
  3. There may be someone on here who can help me. I cashed out USD 218.42 on July 29, 2016, 12:47 p.m. and have waited for over a week for the processing to finish. I check the status today and it now says Closed/Refunded. Anyone know why this could be? Help. T.T
  4. I have a new account that is now 9 days old. I added two forms of payment info (PP and CC) and I have bought $2.50 of Ls. However my selling limit is still at $0.00. Anyone know why?
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