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Posts posted by Neilina

  1. Odd that they should contact you for this. Many of my customers will request our business W-9 for our tax I.D. number. Since you don't provide services for Linden Labs or receive payment from them, I can't think of any legitimate reason they would have for asking for it. Maybe somewhere in the dark morass of business files they mistook you for a vendor?


  2. Ah yes, another person who feels they need to scream their point of view, ignore the well meaning advice of others and refuse to use the procedures in place to maybe actually do something about the issue. Almost makes me feel that whatever got the op's panties in a bunch was brought on by themselves.

  3. I know better than to chime in on this thread, yet I can't for the life of me figure out if the OP is just trolling or making the most ironic thread I recall reading on these forums....


    I am a republican like half the us is republican yet lately theres Trump and republican bashing going on and clubs arent taking it seriously enough.

    You will note the date of the OP's post as May 29th 2020.

    Just the day before on the 28th, President Trump retweeted a video of a supporter saying that the "only good Democrat is a dead Democrat."

    I sincerely wish that NONE of us would throw petty insults at people in both the public and the private sector, or at our allies from other countries. And yes I agree with the OP that all of us in second life should hold ourselves and our children to a much higher standard than that shown by the current President of the United States.

    • Like 1
  4. Graham Chapman: I think all right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired.

    All: Yes, yes...

    Graham Chapman: I'm certainly not! And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am.

    Not Sure?: Mrs. Havoc-Jones.

    Mrs. Havoc-Jones: Well, I meet a lot of people and I'm convinced that the vast majority of wrong thinking people are right.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. No i am not showing support for the current wave of opportunistic riots currently going on across my country done under the guise of BLM. If these were genuine protests over the outrageous actions done, they wouldn't dishonor the names of the victims by using violent acts of racism against others and destroying the property of innocent people or stealing goods.

    I live in Memphis Tennessee where the majority of the population is made of of people of color. Our Chief of Police is a man of color as are the majority of city officials. And yet even here we have had a minor riot. Yes, there is racism here but oddly enough it is much more from people of color towards people of other races.The riot here was not over any event or injustice in our city. If it was just to show support for the BLM movement, why burn a car and throw rocks through windows or loot stores?  I'm from an older generation and took to heart the words of a man who was killed in this city for trying to fight racism in ALL it's forms. So I choose to judge a person by their character and NOT by their color. To me... all lives matter.

    A great man once said: We are flowers of one garden, leaves of one tree.


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  6. Glen,

    Is your current shape no mod? Otherwise I would think it would be easier (and cost less ) to add a few pounds and tweak a little here and there with your current shape. Now if you just don't like your current shape at all then if no one else suggests anything better,  the MP is likely your best bet.

    I never bought a shape I didn't have to adjust at least a little to make my avi appear more mature.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, AyelaNewLife said:

    Pet peeve: Americans that be like "I'm ethnically part Polish and part Italian" because that's where one set of ancestors (most likely traced through the male line only) came from seven entire generations ago. Like bish neither country actually existed back then, what on earth are you smoking?!

    Imagine being so ashamed of your own culture and nation that you refuse to acknowledge its existence, and instead clinging to a mythological fantasy version of your past that doesn't reflect the cultural melting pot that mainland Europe has always been. It's kinda sad. And it doesn't really happen anywhere else in the world.

    As Sylvia just said, The United States is fairly new compared to Europe. I suspect very few of us "yanks" are ashamed of our own culture. In fact I'd venture to say that the majority of us are very proud of our culture and way of doing things. Mind you, I'm only speaking of our culture and not our current political representation.

    That being said, many of us also have an interest in who our ancestors were. As for clinging to a mythological fantasy............ are you implying that I'm NOT an Apache Viking?

    • Like 3
  8. I'm an infrequent poster but have found myself lurking more and more lately. Kudos to you all for managing to keep this thread going as long as it has. Sometimes some well paced derailment is JUST what's needed.

    However my new pet peeve is......... not once in the Great Food Derailment of 2020 did even ONE of you mention spotted dick!


    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  9. Methinks this thread was kind of doomed from the beginning. Perhaps a better title might have been.. " Shapes, are they worth buying? "  To say that any product or service "should" be free is going to spark a feeling of entitlement or choosing/beggar to the poster by many reading such a post.

    It's like saying water should be free and then demanding they put it in a bottle and stock it in your local store as well.

    • Like 3
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  10. So you're saying that Linden Labs ( a U.S. based company ) should tie its pricing to whatever country in the world has the lowest rate of exchange to the U.S. dollar? I don't think the workers at Linden Labs will appreciate it too much when management tells them that since the currency in ( for example ) Greece has tanked that each one needs to take a $ 7.00 per hour pay cut until things get better there.

    • Like 4
  11. You also may want to consider if you want a furnished or unfurnished rental. For new residents furnishing a new place with furniture that has decent animations can get a ittle expensive. And items like furniture, landscaping and so on willl count against the all importiant prim allowance that the rental place has. Most furnished rentals wil have a prim allowance for you to use on top of the prims already used to make the place look nice.

    A simple search under "furnished rentals" will yield many places to check out. Just decide how much you are willing to spend each week and find the one you like most that fits your budget.

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