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Everything posted by PurveyorOfProperty

  1. Thanks for the reply and I think you've got the idea I was trying to get across. I've attached one of my maps that I've done for another game called Star Citizen in which they have an amazing existing 3D interactive map of each solar system and I turned out a more realistic "Paper" map as if someone had actaully paid for an old fashioned survey of the system. It's always good to have hard copies and I don'tknow anyone IRL that doesn't have a survey map of the land they own  I'd be happy to take a look at someone's sim and try to sketch up a realistic survey of their property if I had a volunteer I would have to figure out pricing as I went but for the testing I'll guarantee it's free
  2. Thanks for the fast reply Freya I've done a lot of 2D work in CAD but nothing 3D. I used to design tool layouts for MAC tool boxes and Snap-On equipment, we did a lot of custom stuff for the military and Delta as well. Then I moved into cartography. So basically I can do 2D maps or designs but when it comes to 3D I only have experience in layering 2D levels. If you think that would still be helpful then I'll start persuing that path and see where it gets me. P.O.P
  3. Hello and good morning :) I'm new to Second Life and just getting a feel for how things work when it comes to jobs and business. I'm a full time deed reader, writer and survey drafter for a surveying company IRL. I can't seem to find any in depth reference to how that works in Second Life but I'd love to offer my services or even start my own company if I have to. Is there any call for that kind of work? Reading, interpreting and writing "legalize" as they call it is a skill that a lot of people don't have and something I enjoy doing. That and my abilitiy to turn out fully and officially drafted maps using AutoCAD. I'd love to do what I love for other people here in Second Life and if anybody has any ideas of where I can get started without just fumbling around and trying to figure out would be really helpful. Or if you're looking to hire a guy with my skills let me know ;) P.O.P.
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