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Posts posted by Paloc2

  1. No, no puedes denunciar o mandar un ticket por que tu hayas dado dinero de tu mano. Si te hubieran entrado en la cuenta entonces si pero tu diste el dinero y es tu responsabilidad. Y es normal que te pida dinero una chica de compañia, ese es su trabajo, si ellas no te cobraras entonces no lo harian por que podrian estar con sus amigas u otras personas en vez de estar "obligadas" a esta contigo y encima de gratis.


    Resumen: No te estafaron, no te engañaron, te dejaste llevar y caiste.

  2. First, I haven't found the appropiate forum so if a mod could move it to the appropiate subforum I'd be thankful.


    Now... A couple days ago I joined a sim and spent some time there, then the sim crashed. I wanted to try if the sim was back operational today and its stuck on "connecting to region" so it leads me to an error and I crash. I asked a friend to join that sim and he told me he joined it fine, no issues, so the problem must be on my end. Any help? I'm using firestorm as the viewer.

  3. Hello, I'm looking to know what managers do and how they work in SL.

    I've been brought to SL to manage a brothel/strip and I would like to know more about the job. I already moderate and co-own a similar room at f-list, an adult rp site. My job there is to look over the room, what is post and if something is unapropiate to act. Also, I take care of interviewing people, usually rp with them and judge on their performance, and to add and remove people from the lists at the description.

    Those are the things I do and I don't know if some will be similar in SL or if there's more to it. Any help, tips, explanation will be greatly appreciated.




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