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Everything posted by HollyCarruthers

  1. I've been wandering around this fairie area on my first day playing the game and I found a place I want to have a home. I also found this Gypsy Builder group that sells homes. I can buy one BUT I have no idea how to go about placing it on land that I would like to have or if the home comes on land already. I'm really completely in the dark and no one is in the area to answer questions. I don't even know how to leave someone a message. Oh, and as part of my premiere membership I am supposed to get a home but I doubt it will be in the area where I want to live. So, not sure what to do with that if I buy a home elsewhere. Can anyone offer some answers? Thanks!
  2. Hi, I bought some pretty high heels but when I wear them it appeas that my feet float above the shoes rather than fitting within them. Worse, my feet appear to have white socks on them. When I read posts on the subject they all assume some level of knowledge about various SL gaming aspects. I have NO previous knowledge of operating in SL. My experience is with Sims 3. All the information I can offer is that I began with a Classic Avatar (I believe it was Kimberly). Can anyone explain -- at the kindergardten level -- how to buy and wear high heeled shoes for women? Thanks! PS - I purchased :)(: Lady Pumps - Black & White by PixelFashion Product.
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