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  1. Hiya! If someone knows where i can find these 2 hair types/styles I would be really glad.  The pictures are a preview to sell the skin(s). However there is nothing mentioned about the hair in the details or comments. I tried contacting the shop owner but he doesn't respond to me, sadly. Someone telling me where I can get these or how i could find them is much appreciated.
  2. I don't know why but yesterday I accidently did something and now i can't move clothes anymore while editing. Here is a screen: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160527/nlq85cs6.png I can not click on the arrows anymore to move it. I don't know why. Thank you for your help.
  3. Everytime I try to send money it tells me it wants a first name and second name in order to send the LindenDollars. It says 'EzrealAsItGets' does not exist. I only have a first name though, obviously. So when I checked the last name it just says: 'Resident'. So for VirWox my name is 'EzrealAsItGets Resident' ??? How to I transfer my money now?
  4. Huhu, ich habe noch eine Menge LLS oder Linden$ auf VirWox, nur scheint mir entgangen zu sein wie man diese mittlerweile auf sein SL Konto ueberträgt. Es gibt keine Option dafuer mehr, es hat sich irgendwas veraendert. "Nachdem Sie so das Geld in die andere Waehrung gewechselt haben, koennen Sie sich dieses auf der Seite 'Auszahlen' auszahlen lassen. Im Falle von einer Auszahlung in SLL auf Ihr SL-Konto erfolgt diese sofort (innerhalb weniger Sekunden)" Nur leider gibt es dort keine Moeglichkeit dafuer. Ich will ja Linden$ uebertragen und nicht z.B. Geld auf mein paypal account schieben. Bin ich einfach blind oder hat sich da was veraendert?
  5. Hi there, I'm trying to figure out stuff and at the moment I am creating my AV and I like how far I have come and I'm as good as finished but now I noticed something. It appears that I am wearing 2 skins? Now how do I delete one? http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160505/u2b7d3uj.png Also I can't figure out which skin(s) I'm wearing. The only one I find is this one: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160505/ovab7ya2.png Neither can I stop wearing it, it doesn't give me an option to "delete" it. I can't find the other skin but as you can see in the first picture apparently I am wearing a second one. Thanks for your help and time in advance.
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