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Telehub Ross

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Everything posted by Telehub Ross

  1. I have cut my time in SL in half and sold another half tier of land because...SL doesn't work. Again. For a long period of time. Is this the result of "moving to the cloud"? Or what? Others tell me they have the same experience and some of my tenants move out of SL completely and go play WoW even or SC2 because SL just doesn't work and they are tired. I've been in SL for 14 years. I should have a Ph.D. in physics and computer science by now, given all the intensive work I've done on getting this game world to work. Really, it's not that my "computer is ready to go to kindergarten" as a Linden once witheringly said. It's not even off its sippy-cup yet at about 18 months. It has all the required things, and a GeForce graphics card that I am assured is better than the specs LL requires. I do not have packet loss, and I've long since stopped going to my ISP with SL issues because they laugh in my face. Yes, I know the drill -- I reduce graphics setting, I undo shadings and lights and lower draw distances. I clear cache. I reinstall. I check whether the AV program is interfering. I check portals. I check the phase of the moon. I even delete settings.xml which used to be like this little magic trick. I update drivers. I roll drivers back. Yes, I turned of GeForce's latest ShadowPlay thing. It's not working. I don't mind gray squares for 10 minutes. What I really mind now is that I can't click on, say, a land menu or a person's profile or anything without getting a blue dial that takes a minute to revolve. I can literally go away and fry and egg or make a cup of tea and then maybe it will be done. If it hasn't crashed, which occurs about 6 out of 10 times. It really kills enjoyment of SL. I do take care of my customers. But those long hours of building or designing or attending events or whatever which I used to enjoy -- they're gone. I literally have gone over to the reconstituted The Sims Online (called Free Sims Online) because it works a lot of the time and the people are nicer and it's at that stage where the devs instantly help and even come to your lot to fix things. That won't last, as I know. My question is simple. When will Linden Lab design a computer and select a graphics card and sell it bundled with their software? Because I will buy it. That is all. (This is from Prokofy Neva but I was logged in on my other account and I can't figure out how to delete posts and I've too tired to keep looking.)
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