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Anna Salyx

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Posts posted by Anna Salyx

  1. 11 minutes ago, Aya Sweetheart said:

    Bad actors will not be limited by that... they'll just use/make a viewer that still allows it.  I don't see how you could block this server side.

    True but the average "bad actor" is not going to take the time to research how to compile a viewer, download the needed software and libraries for that, download the sources, and do the thing just so they can make some worn pixels transparent.  Sure, some might already have the skill, and some might be willing to go through all that effort, but I suspect not many of either camp. 

    Just because it won't stop *ALL* bad actors does not mean that it shouldn't be done as a general pretty good idea mitigating action.  "Not everyone is going to obey the speed limit <dramatic shrug> I guess we just shouldn't have speed limits at all", said no one ever.

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  2. 16 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    And close down the Burlesques and stripjoints and skin shops LL speciificlly mentioned as suitable for M rated land.

    Well done you just displaced a whole load of businesses which now have to move to Zindra, oh and made sure that the "kiddies" get even more hate and intolerance.

    this raises a secondary consideration though: what would constitute "public".  The current TOS if is that in M Rated land, public nudity is not necessary forbidden. And certain activities are explicitly allowed "behind closed door" in a private dwelling.  Private none-dwelling establishments fall somewhere in a middle ground. Store/shopping centers are generally categorized (at least IRL) as private entities that the public has no inherent  expectation of access, unlike say a public park, the town square, cities streets, and get while not public, they do have certain, arguably reasonable, restrictions placed upon them So too, a SL Burlesque hall, would be a private establishment with it's own access rules with some allowed activities while still prohibiting other activities, no?

    • Like 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, Piper Kelly said:

    Why would you need a panic button when all you have to do is hit the home button?   

    I don't have a child form avatar and so can only offer these answers from the 50,000 foot viewpoint mind you, but in many cases a scripted HUD can be proactively quicker than a human in bailing you out of an unexpected and unwanted situation that can be automatically detected for. Also, forgetting that a given shopping event is in A rated land and changing first, it can quickly move you back out almost as soon as you land. It can take care of edge cases of the same or similar accidental teleports into a prohibited region and getting ones attention pulled away from the computer mid teleport.  As one up thread stated, crossing over into an A rated land by methods other than teleporting and not realizing it.  that last one might also be an edge case, but it's something that for those being directly affected by the new TOS restrictions have keep in consideration.

    • Like 7
  4. 6 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Suggestion ffor LL.

    All Governance AR Review Lindens to be issued with Arc Welder's Safety Goggles, so they don't get spiteful at being blinded by fullbright flexi hair.

    6 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    Actually, my usual hair now is mesh, but i set it to full bright to match the flexi prim bangs I still wear 😁

    let us not forget the full on nova level bling earrings.....


    5 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    one should never accept experiences. why would you let someone else control what you see and do?

    I like it when I sit on an experienced enabled chair that has props that the props attach automatically when needed.  I further like it when I use an experience enabled coffee/tea maker that my drink is automatically attached when whatever scripted RP brewing cycle is completed. I have an intense dislike for those legacy items that try to hand me the props or drink, and a moderate dislike at constantly being asked (nagged) to allow the props or drink to be temporarily attached.  For me, personally, the convenience of the auto prop/drink attach is worth the risk of accepting the experience(s). Your millage may vary.


    I have no problems in accepting experiences for QOL/convenience.  I can always go back and reject, block, and report an experience that takes undue liberties. 

    • Like 5
  5. 2 minutes ago, Stellaa Starlight said:

    Nudity on Moderate is allowed as long as its not sexual in nature. No erections, fluids, things that lean towards sexual tone. If you are on moderate you can be standing there naked changing clothing as long as there is nothing visibly sexual going on. 

    the obvious caveat being that the land owner must also allow it of course.   Probably should go without saying but then "going without saying" seems to be in short supply in these here parts lately.


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  6. 10 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    It's like the ban on crooked gambling and casinos, back in, what? 2014?

    0.001 % Of the population, mainly Don "Big" Tony Bastardo, Capo di Tutti Capi of the SL Mafia, and his underlings, complained bitterly that this killed their "legitimate businesses" and disrespected their Family, and threatened to rez sculpty horses heads on the pillows of peoples sex beds.

    0.999% Of the population bemoaned the fact they would need to find NEW ways to give all their shopping tokens to criminals.

    99.000% Of the population said "About time" and carried n with their SecondLives.

    More recent history exmaple would be the banning of the blind random gatcha machines. There was a lot of gnashing and wailing, the wearing of sackcloth and ashes while waiting on the next seal to be opened and....... then life as usual as people adjusted to the new rule and the new normal.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

    Sure, but we can't go through our entire lives worrying about what other people are doing.. nor would we want to know... that includes whether someone is camming you like a pervert.

    Honestly, it less about worrying and more about enabling.  It is but one of many things that must be kept in greater mind in SL than in RL.  Poeple are going to people, this is just the fact of any world, but I don't have to make it easy for some activities that I personally dislike.

  8. 4 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    There are a lot of clubs that are also general and M/PG rated that take this exact stance, some to the point of enforcing underwear if any female is wearing too short a skirt.


    Honestly, short skirts or long skirts, if I'm wearing a skirt I'm wearing undies.  Unlike RL, in SL camming is a thing and concern and I'm not in the habit of flashing and enabling some SL upskirter.  Ugh, why are people? I mean really!!?? /sighs.

    (and well, yeah, I know that upskirt camming is a thing in RL too, but it's much more difficult to be surreptitious about it is all I'm really saying.)

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Vivienne Schell said:

    When I joined SL there were plenty of skins which had undies painted on them. I remember that I almost despaired when I tried to remove them....that was when I was an innocent virgin "girl next door", tho not underaged. Linden Lab probably digged these old nostalgic assets out of some old rotten forgotten server and thought "Yay!". Or not. Fact is that this is exactly what they mean by "baked on the skin".

    I remember that!!  when I joined, there was some freebie boxes at Orientation/Newbie island one of them had an "ok" starter skin that had bra and panties baked right on.  I think it was to ease some newcomers into the world by making sure they couldn't accidentally be completely naked when they traveled. 

    1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    No.  It's all one piece.  There's also the option to smooth any breast cleavage for BoM layers all via the HUD 

    No, the Lara/LaraX line has a separate BOM Helper layer to smooth things out that is worn on an as need.  it has its own HUD for deciding what to do: chest, waits, toes.


    tl;dr the big wall of text by careful snipping.

    1 hour ago, frankyjake2333 said:

    Good Evening.

    While I’m not a lawyer I do have a good deal of knowledge working with the law.


    Now for the standard disclaimer, I am not a lawyer so what I’m expressing is my own options. 

    <son of snip>

    To Linden Lab, if you are reading this, I would advise you to reconsider the new policies you have put in place.  

    <the return of snip>

    As an outside observer, I don’t see this as a battle you can win without causing undue harm.  

    <the snip strikes back>


    Twice you say you're not a lawyer but your have a good deal of knowledge working with law.  that and <checks current stock market> 5 dollars will get you a cuppa coffee.

    Linden Lab is not a new player in town. They have many years of corporate experience and in the fairly recent past diving deeply into banking regulations.  I would place very comfortable even odds that they have on staff a team of very talented lawyers.  I can double down on that bet and be very comfortable in stating that the team of lawyers has gone over the proposed changed, advised the board accordingly and that the board is taking whatever advice the lawyers have dispensed very seriously. 

    I'm sure Linden Lab has put a lot of consideration into the new policies (as sketchy as they may be in some areas of interpretation by arm chair commentators on the forums) before going forward.  I expect maybe some of this testing waters and getting community feedback before anything is fully nailed down. speculation, yes.

    As an outside observer you have chosen to weigh into the fray, in a forum not an official communication channel for the customers to the company, all in support of your friend.  I commend that... provisionally.  Standing up for your friend, if this is what she wanted, or at least is not wholly opposed to you  coming in and climbing up on a soapbox.  But even if it's White Knighting, I will concede that maybe the heart is in the right place, but as an outsider, there are a lot of nuance and details which you just can't know and can't properly comment on.  But.....uhm.. yeah.... Go You!


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  10. 9 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

     these days I try to never get involved in scripting anything that justifies leaving the viewer script editor.


    None of the scripting projects I engage in "justifies" leaving the viewer script editor. I do leave the view script editor just same since doing all the typing in a separate tabbed window is just a basic QOL thing for me.

  11. 2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    The IMs are most definitely saved on the server, not encrypted (even if you have told the viewer to save your IMs to your computer).  They could have programs that scan IMs looking for certain words and then if found, a person would then have to manually read things to confirm what did or did not happen.

    According to legend (ie: apocryphally), way back in the grand old days of the UseNet "forums", one of the Secret Masters Of The Internet (SMOTI) who went by the handle Kibo would regularly grep the news spool for anyone who dared to utter his name across the 5000 subgroups and would reply to each such post personally. 

    The truth is that he really did do this, but probably only in those news groups he was personally subscribed to and not the entirety of the UseNet spool.  But you know how legends grow.  This was in the late 90's mind you, but in the decades that have followed the ability to scrub collective data files and conversation logs for specific grains of metaphorical rice has only gotten scarily efficient and laser focused.  So, it's not a matter of "they could have programs" but rather "yes, they do have programs" that can do that.  Do they do it on the regular? Ostensibly I'd say not just for plausible deniability reasons, but should the situation arise, yeah it's gonna happen.

    The company I worked for at one time kept customer activity on live storage for 6 month, and on archival tape for 5 years. This was a regulatory requirement.  I fully expect that Second Life, via Linden Lab, has a very detailed data retention policy for key records for investigatory purposes.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    If you feel the entire report was "Bogus", then tell me why LL management conducted an investigation, AND are making the following changes, based on their findings after investigating the Medium report issues?  I don't think you read it all very carefully. Following is from Oberwolf Linden's Blog letter yesterday:

    The findings did highlight opportunities for improvement. As a result, we are making updates to our internal policies to raise the standard for how Linden employees should respectfully engage with community members. This addresses multiple forms of engagement including how we present ourselves, how we interact with the community (even in moments of conflict), and how we minimize the perception of conflict of interest and favoritism in our interactions. Additionally, there have been specific actions we have initiated or finalized:

    • Updated our Child Avatar Policy 
    • Updated our internal Policies and Procedures
    • Implemented personnel changes
    • Initiated management improvement programs
    • Committed to Community Roundtables (see below)
    • Committed to increased transparency and accountability

    Investigate for propriety's sake would be a number one reason.  Bogus or not the allegations were raised and no matter how potentially spurious, performance investigation must be done at a minimum.  But since there was a big spotlight, more than token review was/is warranted. 

    second point: no system is immune from having opportunities for improvement revealed. An investiation, no matter the underlying reason would have brought these things to light.  They might have come to light on their own in time. With pure speculation on my part, I suspect that most of the internal, personnel changes involved more clearly defined borderlines between functional groups. More clearly defined borderlines between Lab employees and departments and the customer base. More clearly defined boundaries in the chain of command vis a vis interpersonal relationships within the organization. Policies, that in the recent past, may have had a more laissez-faire atmosphere now being more clearly expressed and codified.  Better define management roles and responsibilities. etc. More transparency is definitely on deck at least in the short term future. Not that there was any serious or nefarious wrongdoings, but that "areas of improvement were brought to light and they are doing something.  And since the light is shining, let's just be more open about it now at this time."

    That's all just my take from having spent 25 years in corporate life.  Things are always changing.  sometimes those changes get a more public eye on them, sometimes they go by unnoticed. but nothing is ever static (for good or for ill.  I hate bungee bosses and dotted lines bosses btw)

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  13. 9 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    But any method can actually be gotten around.  The resulting body and/or skin still has to allow for BOM layers - in order to wear BOM clothing and that layer will lay on top of the modesty layer.  Thus someone could create a tattoo layer that covers up the modesty stuff and provides genitals.  Yes, that would be a violation and if said avatar got caught, they would be banned.  But it is still possible.

    no, the way I was describing would be to put the opaque modesty layer above any BOM layer(s).  yes, this would prevent the wearing of BOM clothing, or rather severely limit what kinds and types of BOM clothing.  It would make pants or shirts look really weird, but socks, cloves, would be okay.  Actual body markings like moles and freckles would work just fine as well as enhancements like dirt and stuff. As for actual utility, I guess it'd really depend the mesh clothing support for a given body how useful this solution is, but it's a solution that's can't easily be gotten around.

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  14. 11 hours ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    Your script can request that it works how you want it to by specifying PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY, TRUE in the media params for that face, but most viewers will laugh in your face and ignore the request. IIRC firestorm has an option somewhere to respect autoplay media if the script has asked for it, but it's off by default.

    yeah, I put up a requested a feature request  to Firestorm (maybe I should submit it to the official Second Life viewer) to allow us to whitelist certain media sites for MOAP.  So can leave the autoplay in general turned off, but allow for some "trusted" content to still autoplay when we come around. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Theresa Ravenheart said:

    But it does reclassify "any form of nudity" as adult content now per LL's new terms. It doesn't matter if the Sim is M or not, they cannot go to A land, and if there is any nudity on M land, child avatars may not be present per the updated terms we all signed.

    I, respectfully, disagree.  So long as simple nudity is allowed, even encourage if you will, on M rated land it is not "adult activity" in the context being discussed, which usually involve conduct of a more, shall we say, physical nature between consenting adult presenting avatars. The narrow case of child presenting avatars not being allowed in places where nudity is encouraged and/or expected (nude beach) does not make that "adult" content or activity per se in the context being discussed. A fine line perhaps, but it's a line just the same.  It's..... adult activity adjacent, at best. it's mature content to be sure, R as opposed to X if you will.  That's all my take is at least.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, Theresa Ravenheart said:

    I'm confused, you just said that genitals, in the past, have not been considered "adult" content. But in the same breath you said, "adult" is photorealistic nudity. How do you have photorealistic nudity without genitals?! The fact that kid avatars cannot be naked any more, means they should not be around with anyone exposed genitals of any kind. Per the updated terms: 

    • Engaging or participating in any event or location where nudity and/or sexual activity is present, encouraged and/or expected.

      So any form of nudity is now adult content.

    I'd not say that this reclassifies "any form of nudity" as adult content.  No, it's more that the new TOS language carves out a specific and narrow rule that child presenting avatars and locations with expected and/or encouraged nudity cannot commingle: IE not at a M rated nude beach even where no other adult activity is expected or encouraged. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Thanks, I did not know these approaches were possible. It sure makes sense!

    That'd be how I do it on the actual body level:  Make the body with the base mesh being all BOM that'd hold skins/tattoo/system layer clothes, make it toggle-able (maybe) for appliers skins.  Then add a block of mesh faces over the top of those areas that require modesty that would be permanently opaque in whatever apropo styling.  Not that hard in the grand scheme of things really. that way it could never be gotten around and it wouldn't depend on skin makers to do the work.

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  18. ooof.

    Let me join in the chorus of other who have proclaimed getting caught up.  66 pages, started reading a several hours ago. I had 13 quote reply along the way but removed most of them as being a) I forgot what point I was going to add b) my points had been addressed by others, and c) fatigue.


    6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    This is interesting because it is "at odds" with the TOS statement someone copied earlier that said there must be a modesty layer for the body OR skin.

    This is an example where the FAQ's don't really line up well with the TOS statements, and are adding to the confusion and concerns.

    I agree that some clarification is going to be needed a lot on this issue, but my own take on it is that if the content creator is making the actual body that a modesty layer that sits above skin and tatoo needs to be permanently attached to the mesh, or simply disallow BOM completely and make a skin with the modesty baked on. 


    for content creators that are making more youth oriented/specific skins only that are specifically created to "de-age" some of the other more mainstream bodies by significantly  de-emphasizing the chest and waist/hip areas (among others) by adjusting the light/shadows shadings in those areas would have to bake modesty layers onto those skins. 

    (Disclaimer here.  I have no idea if there are content creators doing this, this is just supposition on my part. I remember the days before mesh bodies where a thing and skin makers did all sorts of tricks to create the illusion of body contours that really weren't there all that much with just shadows and highlights, so my logical leap is that there quite possibly be skin makers who use the same tricks to create more youthful looks for that market. )

    Now granted in in this second case it'd fall completely to the end user that uses them to not try to get around the modesty blocks by other means, but the skin maker would themselves be in compliance.  

    But that is how I am personally interpreting that "OR" clause in the FAQ.


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  19. another name.

    Mocksoup Graves.  Made some absolutely  fantastic makeups before mesh heads where a thing.  I think she tried the applier route but her style of makeups (made for layering) just really didn't work with appliers.  I keep hoping she'll return since BOM is the thing now.  

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