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  1. thank you so much!! It helped a lot! Now I ran into another problem of trying to fix the mouth.. I can't seem to get rid of the animal mouth.. Not sure what to do! Would I buy a mouth mod or is there a way I can edit it to not look like that? It looks fine with the animal body but it looks super weird with human skin xc thank you for the initial help it solved basically all of my problems!
  2. I just started today and I'm having a blast, but a lot of stuff with the appearance is going wrong! I bought a bunch of stuff in the marketplace (mostly kemono things, the body packs work fine). Though I bought a face pack because the face didn't match the body anymore, as well as a skin pack to match. Whenever I try to use either of these items, they show up as something in my hand! What do I do? I'm starting to get a little discouraged
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