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Everything posted by mj4ust

  1. Hi! I'm looking to hire a mesh creator for a custom building. I suspect it's a lot of work, but probably a fun challenge. I've tried meshing myself, but I'm far too new at it to be honest, and lacking the patience when all I do is run into problems. Please contact me in world (mj4ust resident/Khan) for details and agreeing on pay. xoxo, Khan
  2. Hellu! I am looking for someone who can help me texture UV maps for and object I have. It's a banner, so it's a pretty straight forwards job, but I am pretty useless when it comes to this stuff, and I'm the noobiest noob ever. Message me in world if you're interested in the job! I have a motive I want for it, so the texture would need to be based off of that.
  3. I'd be willing to model your clothes for a very low price. The price can be discussed :) My body is the Eve Slim Mesh Body which fit the size small or slink. I have various hairstyles in various colors which can be chosen by creator. My head is also mesh; Catwa Alice. The makeup on this can be edited to the creators desire. Eyecolor is brown. My head also has expressions. My skin is bright, but can be edited darker if the creator desires. I also have elven ears that are pierced, which can also be edited to human if the creator desires. The ears are Mandala, so they are heavily pierced. The piercings can be taken of. I can model urban clothes, medieval, fantasy, costumes, underwear, swimwear etc. Everything goes :) IM me inworld if you are interested in hiring me and then we can discuss the price :)
  4. Hi! So the thing is, I bought a really cool couch, but the texture + shading is way off. Is there anyone out there that could retexture it for me? Payment is fine. You're welcome to contact me in world too and maybe come look at the couch. All help is appreciated!
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