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Posts posted by AliceDarkWidow

  1. For Bloodlines Vampires you need blood to stay alive, and need to feed constantly, same with Bloodlines Lycans I think, but with lumens. 

    If a Vampire feeds constantly on one particular human, could this be a danger to the human? What does a human have to get to stay alive, and keep their vital blood up on the HUD, so they're not destroyed or all humanity is gone? 

    Thanks ^^

  2. My friend paid me 600L$ and it never came through...I was offline at the time. 

    My homepage also appears to be gitched. Half of the side box is gone, so I can't click on stuff like billing information etc. 

    In the box where it shows your lindens, it doesn't have any numbers in it e.g. no L$: 0. Its just blank. 

    Is it messing up for everyone right now? This a glitch?


  3. I bought an avatar that I believe came with two eye options, I can't see all of the contents in my inventory but can see them in my appearance. I want to try and find the other eyes (or just check if there is any) but I can't see them in the folder (it only shows some things, but everything comes on my avatar when I wear it. It replaces the eyes I wish to try and find (and wear) with the other eyes which I don't want....

    How do I find them?

  4. I tried to buy lindens with my Mastercard on SL yesterday, and it didn't work no matter how many times I tried it. 

    Eventually I used  my Visa card, and it worked the second time. 

    But now my Mastercard is locked out....did SL do this? I haven't done anything bad, I purchased something for my brother on his Xbox (CoD stuff) using my Mastercard and it was okay....

    So what could have happened?

  5. I've never had problems like this before. I've entered everything correctly. An update happened today for SL. 

    It says it can't complete the transaction after I've added my credit card, and clicked buy now. 

    I understand nothing of FAQ about this. 

    So why is it happening? 

  6. I'd taken my avatar to one of my favorite places. I was in there for a while. A few people had came in, looking normal. But just now another person not looking quite so normal. They're purple, gives me the loading impression (if they are loading then they've been loading for some time now) the eyes are kinda hollow idk, and the avatar doesn't move smoothy. Its moves quickly, changing its postion every second without moving any arms to do so - if you get what I mean. Kind of pausing then in another postion. Their shape is changing as well. Sometimes male and female I believe, but male mostly. Growing bigger and smaller.  I teleported away, waited a few minutes and then went back again. No one had shown up when I opened the map. Once teleporting there, I saw they were on the nearby people still. It has seemed the avatar has moved, facing another direction now though. 

    So what is this? Is this person loading? Is this a weird avatar in general? Is it just me? Other people looked fine when they came in. 


    EDIT - Ah crap. 

  7. I'd taken my avatar to one of my favorite places. I was in there for a while. A few people had came in, looking normal. But just now another person not looking quite so normal. They're purple, gives me the loading impression (if they are loading then they've been loading for some time now) the eyes are kinda hollow idk, and the avatar doesn't move smoothy. Its moves quickly, changing its postion every second without moving any arms to do so - if you get what I mean. Kind of pausing then in another postion. Their shape is changing as well. Sometimes male and female I believe, but male mostly. Growing bigger and smaller. 

    I teleported away, waited a few minutes and then went back again. No one had shown up when I opened the map. Once teleporting there, I saw they were on the nearby people still. 

    It has seemed the avatar has moved, facing another direction now though. 

    So what is this? Is this person loading? Is this a weird avatar in general? Is it just me? Other people looked fine when they came in. 

  8. I have a few avatars in my inventory that I bought from the same person (from their inworld store) but I can't remember WHO made them. Their store isn't there now, and I'd like to know if they've moved. If there was a message send out to everyone it probably would've been in Spanish, and I don't think I was a part of their group there. 

    So how do I find out who made the avatars? They are in my inventory. 

  9. My marketplace favorites are usually in the order of the newest added favorites on the last page, all the old ones stretching back to the first page. Sometimes though my favorites go into a completely different and random order, making it hard to find newly added products. They do this sometimes, but this is the longest my favorites have been put into this random order, and I'd like to know how to fix it, so I can find things recently added at the last page. 


    Thank you :)

  10. On some of my avatars my feet poke out of the shoes. How do I fix this? I've tried detaching them, but nothing happens. Thats the only way I can think of how to do it. Is there a way I can get rid of my old horrible feet poking out of the shoes? The avatars came like that idk if they had a foot alpha if thats something to do with it.

    Thanks if you answer ^^

  11. This happens a lot, and I'm guessing sometimes for different reasons but idk. I always use the same AO now, and I'm not planning on changing it any time soon, but something always seems to go wrong. Sometimes when its says its on, my avatar isn't doing the poses at all. I checked /ao on and /ao off in the hope that would do something but it didn't.

    It happened the other day when I accidently clicked on the wrong outfit to change into. All my newer outfits had my new AO on, but I accidently clicked on the old version of the outfit, with a different AO that I had grown out of. I took it off but my avatar was still fixed in one of the poses from it, and when I tried putting on my new AO it came on but did nothing. Also my avatar wasn't doing any walking at all when I tried to move her, she literally just slided along the floor in the same standing pose.

    It usually works and has been fine, but I am constantly getting these AO problems. I detach and attach it again and again, I teleport to other rooms in the hope to activate it, I log off and on etc. Sometimes it works but I'm tired of not knowing if theres a proper way to fix your AO straight away. Sometimes I've had to wait days for it to work again, other times its just one day.

    I would really like to know how to fix this, because it happens quite a lot and its getting on my nerves.

    Thanks if anyone answers this ^^

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