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  1. Are there any jobs for a newbie?
  2. Why are there no other options for paying for lindens other than with a cc or bank info? Why they want my personal billing info? I'm just playing this for fun, I don't want my RL (especially personal billing info) connected to this. Yes, I know there are jobs in sl. Most of them are dancing/escort jobs, which I personally don't feel comfortable doing. Besides, you have to spend tons of lindens to have a look that they define as sexy. -_- So, am I basically screwed and doomed to either leave, or just keep a default avatar? I've seem some freebie avatars, and well, I would much rather just keep one of the default avatars xD. I can't really express my style and look without lindens. le sigh Yes, I am a newbie. I'm honestly curious about this lol.
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