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Posts posted by CurseSmile

  1. From hump day to fun day lol

    anyways today was cool, after spring, my other favorite season is autumn, I love the atmosphere and the cool, even tone it brings in my life. A little bit of bittersweet and hope. I visited some sims, some creators are have already decorated..etc that's one of the outfits of today


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  2. Hi everyone

    my name is Curse Smile aka Yellow

    I think Curse look pretty, doesn't it?

    I've been on SL for about 2 1/2 and I've been on and off partly due to RL school and work activities.


    I got wind of SL because I used to play Perfect World international and I used to get ads about it and I was like hmm let me check it out. 

    moving to the world of SL was different for me, I had mixed feelings for it, I still do but I've connected with a few people, I consider buddies and friends, 2 I've connected with RL who are cool in both worlds.

    but it wasn't fun for me, at my newbie stage, I came to the drama-filled lifestyle in SL, I think the majority of residents come into that unless they already have friends of the family in SL. I came into the club scene, it was an opposite for me, cause I couldn't care less to be dramatic.


    So now, I got a few close friends, I work as a hostess @ Frank's Elites, I'm not a fan of any 2-hour events, but Elites is an exception because I like the atmosphere and my coworkers.  I spent time with friends and families. and take selfies lol. At the moment I started blogging places I visit, you know like little finds. B/c there are so many sims out there, and there are some the sim owners really went all out, or put their own creativity in it. I hope to get into knowing the basics of building/creating clothes/ furniture just cause I wanna learn. But I'm in no rush, after all, there are people who have been in SL for 5 years+ and still look like a noob, and love it, so I'm focusing on my degree, getting that $$ RL and meeting new peeps, no pressure.


    I know this is different for everyone, but if you're on SL and just wanna learn, enjoy the time you're online, chatting w/ new people, I say travel, say hi a profile you like and don't take things personally. Unlike RL, you can always turn off your laptop and computer and come back later.  And if you ever need help, there are surprisingly a lot of kind hearts who are willing to help you

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  3. Hey  Kerrie

    I think someone asked you clarify your question, do you mean, black men RL that plays as black men SL

    or just a black male avi regardless of color RL?

    Ya know it happens, people are gender fluid, color fluid and etc

    but if you meant black man Rl and SL, they're out there. They hang in packs, mostly frat clubs.

    but like most prev replies, it's really what are you looking for? Where you looking for it and what time?


  4. Hosting @ Elites

    Music:10:47] Now playing: Little Anthony _Tears on My Pillow_ - Dream Lover
    [10:49] Now playing: Hey Paula, performs by Paul & Paula, 1963 - Dream Lover

    I usually do a soft sway, but my Dj loves to play throwbacks, and they require more than a soft sway lol

    <a href="https://gyazo.com/97d21106209c82705644349faaf50132"><video alt="Video from Gyazo" width="695" autoplay muted loop playsinline><source src="https://i.gyazo.com/97d21106209c82705644349faaf50132.mp4" type="video/mp4" /></video></a>97d21106209c82705644349faaf50132.gif

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