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Everything posted by EztliLyre

  1. i found the problem and i feel like a massive derp now in this part: llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"arousalSetText|"+tostring+"|"+"1"+"|"+nameo+" is booping their "+partnamea,""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"caeilarousalup|"+tostring+"|"+arousala+""+paparta,""); tostring is a variable i set to the person who is doing the clicking which is why it worked if i clicked it but not if someone else clicked it , to fix this i made another string variable called yournamea which is set as this: key yourname = llGetOwner(); string yournamea = (string) yourname; and i changed the final code to: if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"arousalSetText|"+yournamea+"|"+"1"+"|"+nameo+" is booping their "+partnamea,""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"caeilarousalup|"+yournamea+"|"+arousala+""+paparta,""); } and now it finally works :3 thanks for trying to help by the way ^ 3 ^ its appreciated
  2. ive created a touch script that works 100% but the problem is it only works for me, if someone else clicks on something my characters wearing that has a touch script it doesnt work for them? been going over my code for a day and cant figure it out. did i do something wrong in my code? sorry if someone has already made a post on this when i searched i didnt see one. its gonna be a plugin for PA by caeil string configurationNotecardName = "config"; key notecardQueryId; integer line; string papart; string partname; string arousal; string partnamea; string paparta; string arousala; key target; string tostring ; key yourname; string namea; string nameo; init() { // reset configuration values to default papart = "noanim"; partname = "mysterious object"; arousal = "10"; // make sure the file exists and is a notecard if(llGetInventoryType(configurationNotecardName) != INVENTORY_NOTECARD) { // notify owner of missing file llOwnerSay("Missing inventory notecard: " + configurationNotecardName); // don't do anything else return; } // initialize to start reading from first line (which is 0) line = 0; notecardQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(configurationNotecardName, line); } processConfiguration(string data) { // if we are at the end of the file if(data == EOF) { // notify the owner llOwnerSay("We are done reading the configuration"); // notify what was read llOwnerSay("The avatar papart is: " + papart); llOwnerSay("The partname is: " + partname); llOwnerSay("The arousal amount is: " + arousal); // do not do anything else return; } // if we are not working with a blank line if(data != "") { // if the line does not begin with a comment if(llSubStringIndex(data, "#") != 0) { // find first equal sign integer i = llSubStringIndex(data, "="); // if line contains equal sign if(i != -1) { // get name of name/value pair string name = llGetSubString(data, 0, i - 1); // get value of name/value pair string value = llGetSubString(data, i + 1, -1); // trim name list temp = llParseString2List(name, [" "], []); name = llDumpList2String(temp, " "); // make name lowercase (case insensitive) name = llToLower(name); // trim value temp = llParseString2List(value, [" "], []); value = llDumpList2String(temp, " "); // name if(name == "papart") papart = value; // color else if(name == "partname") partname = value; else if(name == "arousal") arousal = value; // unknown name else llOwnerSay("Unknown configuration value: " + name + " on line " + (string)line); } // line does not contain equal sign else { llOwnerSay("Configuration could not be read on line " + (string)line); } } } // read the next line notecardQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(configurationNotecardName, ++line); } default { on_rez(integer start_param) { init(); } changed(integer change) { if(change & (CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) init(); } state_entry() { llSetTouchText("Boop!"); init(); } dataserver(key request_id, string data) { if(request_id == notecardQueryId) processConfiguration(data); } touch_start(integer total_number) { string partnamea = partname; string paparta = papart; string arousala = arousal; key target = llDetectedKey(0); string tostring = (string) target; key yourname = llGetOwner(); string namea = llGetDisplayName(yourname); string nameo = llGetDisplayName(target); if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"arousalSetText|"+tostring+"|"+"1"+"|"+nameo+" is booping their "+partnamea,""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"caeilarousalup|"+tostring+"|"+arousala+""+paparta,""); } else { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"arousalSetText|"+tostring+"|"+"1"+"|"+namea+" is having their "+partnamea+" booped by "+nameo,""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"caeilarousalup|"+tostring+"|"+arousala+""+paparta,""); } } }
  3. thanks for the help guys im gonna try this stuff, as for the "etc" part i was using a template code i found which was working perfeclty fine but as you said it doesnt make me say stuff it makes the object say stuff. an idea i just had is maybe make some kind of relay script in something that wont detatch that will hear a command from the removed object then relay it to the other stuff?
  4. ive been fiddling with this for a while never done coding on second life before. im trying to get this script to run when i take off and put on a object which it does but its supposed to then make me say a chat command in channel 5 to make another script do things default { attach(key attached) { if (attached == NULL_KEY) // object has been detached { llSay(5,"soft"); // etc. } else // object has been //attached// { llSay(5,"hide"); // etc. } } } basically what it should do is when object is attached make me say /5 hide and when object is detached make me say /5 soft
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