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Everything posted by Freya150

  1. We are currently looking for more DJ's to play at The Red Rose Club Keep 100% of tips Our DJ is also willing to train members up who wish to be DJ's for our club. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire85/71/213/24
  2. The Red Rose Club will be holding the following events Industrial Music by DJ Why 5-6pm slt Metal Music by DJ Why 5-7pm slt Electronic Music by DJ Why 5-7pm slt Thats not all! The Red Rose Club has the following areas within the club BDSM Femdom Playpet - Currently being built Transexual and Lesbian adult fun areas - Currently being built We also have a rent a slave area http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire85/71/213/24
  3. I have 18 x off apartments for rent 1 Living room 4 Rooms 1 Balcony L$500 per wk - 200 prims can have subtenants http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire85/24/50/77 
  4. Earn lindens easily by renting yourself out as a BDSM slave at our new club. On the top floor of our club simply hook yourself up to a slave post and login to the tipjar then wait for someone to hire you, you, once paid you will acompany them to the BDSM furniture located all around the top floor. Male and Females welcome. Feel free to contact me IM Freya150 Inworld http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire85/92/233/31 I will start advertising the club like mad this week to increase traffic
  5.  I am looking for DJ's to play at my new club who play the following music Rock Metal Gothic industrial Please reply here or IM me with any costs or if your happy to play for 100% tips. IM - Freya150 inworld http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire85/92/233/31
  6. The Red Rose BDSM / Metal club is now looing for DJ's Dancers Escorts Bdsm Mistresses and Masters DJ's keep 100% of tips All other staff keep 80% of tips with 20% going to the running of the club http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire85/45/226/32 
  7. The Red Rose Club is now open ( I still have more work to do to it but feel free to pop on down) The Club only plays Rock, metal & gothic industrial music and we plan on having DJ events play the mention music. Staff members will be able to use the dance poles and cages. The above floor is a BDSM playground where slaves can also be rented. We also have shops, a mall and apartment complex with each apartment having 4 rooms, a living room and a balcony area. We are also in the middle of building more outside entertainment areas. I should have the club fully finished with even more BDSM equipment within the next day or two http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire85/74/173/22 
  8. Thanks, i managed to upload the photos whilst sending someone a message and now the option to upload photos is appearing in the forums area
  9. Hi, how do i upload a photo a forum post please? i have tried going to my profile page then clicking on upload photos. it then takes me to where it says albums and pictures yet there is no option to upload anything?
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