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Posts posted by deadlycreature1

  1. Has anyone else had people in the game pass away in real life that you knew and liked? I have been to  a second life funeral of a person last year that went to jazz sim a lot that I  went to. The people showed his real life pic and sat in chairs and said on voice what they liked about him.I  went to a memorial of a animal breeder on sl who was also liked by a lot of people. people rode horses around a few laps in to remember her and say what they liked about her. a kittycats and biobreeds breeder recently passed away also in April. two sims have a memorial of her.  I  know this is a virtual world, but it is sad to see people pass away in real life. all three times I  heard from people who knew the person in real life. if any of you lost friends on here did you have a memorial also?

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  2. I have seen rare collector kittycats sell at shops and auctions sell for as high as 30k.  not every cat gets that much.It is usually several years old and hard to find. I feel like the market for breedables has gone down some. It used to seem like bigger amounts that you could get for the animals. sometimes I see a lot of people at an auction. Other times not enough people come and most panels are futuresells. It just depends. I know friends who breed with a lot of different companies and they don't always do so good. sometimes they sell a lot at the secondary market store. Other times they don't sell an animal for a while. I have seen some horses and wk animals marked high at markets. Maybe they have a big demand  for them. It has to be the right customer who doesn 't mind paying the bigger lindens for it. Some companies breedables get sick if you don't feed them enough. they can he healed sometimes with vitamins or food. Other companies  if it gets sick it can die if no food is given or  a vitamin.  Breedables cant take up a lot of prims on a sim depending on what you want and how many animals. some companies have low prim options for it. I  have noticed a lot less people on second life lately. Music seems that used to be pretty popular I don't see as many people anymore,.  animal buyers who I used to see get on a lot, I don't see on as much anymore. Maybe real life got in the way. Are you sure that you want to get into breedables to try and make big money?

  3. I am asking for a person who hasn't been on second life in a few years. she is wanting a location that doesn't have a limit on how many breedables that she can have with the  land that well allow her to sell some if she wants to. I well show her this post with the replies so she can contact you about it. she wants between 300 to 700 prims.

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