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  1. Morena all Noticed a number of items on my sim looking as if they got 'stuck' while rezzing and didn't complete. (please see pics) Clear cache - no change Restart sim-no change Restart SL - no change Reset scripts - no change Friends see the same in their browsers - both firestorm and the official LL browser Took a game table and rezzed it a a friends place...still looked the same The only solution I have come up with is to rezz a brand new, fresh copy. However some of the affected items are no copy meaning the only way to resolve is to buy a brand new copy and some of the items are no longer available for purchase. Anybody got any input please?
  2. There are these jeans (ARCHIVEFACTION Tension Jeans) that I am keen to locate. They are not at the creators shop, so I suspect they are at an event. I have been to soooo many events today and have not located them. Anyone have any ideas please?
  3. Just adding that I have tested at voice echo cannon and also within windows and everything appears fine
  4. Apologies is this is really basic I can stand in a room of people and we can chat amongst ourselves no problem. I hear them, they hear me. When I make or answer a Voice Call , I don't hear them, they don't hear me. Tried everting I can think of. Any suggestions please as to what I need to check or change. Everything was fine a few days ago.
  5. Issue resolved. Thank you Rick Nightingale, it was the sim surround.
  6. I own a hugger. It lets a group of people share a group hug. When I rezz it at a sandbox it works as intended. However, when I rezz it at my sim and then click to ‘sit here’ I get the message ‘no room to sit here, try another spot’. I thought I might need to deed it to a group but those options are all greyed out. Apologies, it is probably something really simple but I cant for the life of me work it out. Any suggestions please?
  7. Thank you all so much. I went with the Vita's 3D suggestion. Looks great Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  8. Yeah, I though Skye as well, but there are soooooo many
  9. Hello lovely people of the SL forums. I rented some land and the landlord wont or cant tell me the name of this texture which is part of the terrain. Do any of you per-chance have any ideas please? Image attached...
  10. On my sim, I have a number of whales and dolphins swimming about. I also have some cute kiwi birds who wander about in the long grass. Thing is that lately they have all taken to having little bursts of flight (whales and dolphins as well) They sort of take off, fly way up in the sky, then vanish and re-appear where the started from. Have done all the usual, reboots, clean installs, clearing cache. Nothing makes a difference. Any tips/ideas please?
  11. I’m no expert but have you enabled BOM on the body hud?
  12. PS. I tried the "official' viewer and it looks as normal. I just prefer firestorm
  13. it looks bad. did a complete 'clean' install of Firestorm. Now I have to redo all my settings...sighs water still looks rubbish next steps? please?
  14. Hi everyone. I am putting together a surprise birthday party for my hubby. I did have a DJ lined up, but he has stopped replying to my IM’s. Now I’m working on short notice. Sighs. The party is to be on 1 April 2021 from 8pm to 10pm SLT. The theme will be 70’s – 80’s disco. Me and my partner are both male and there will be other gays there as well. Just saying…so you don’t end up feeling uncomfortable. 😊 The venue is all set up. All you would have to do is be there playing your groovy disco music. You would be welcome to set up a tip jar and I will also pay your fee for the event. Please get in touch with me and we can meet up to discuss. As I said I’m now working on short notice and hope to send out the invitations in the next 24 hours.
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