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Everything posted by EuthymiaGervasius

  1. I don't see anything wrong with any of it. 1) It's a public sim. IRL as in SL you have little expectation of privacy in public, which is why every day you're recorded by any number of cameras from security cameras to accidentally photobombing someone else's picture or video without you even knowing about it. 2) It's local chat. It's basically the equivalent of you talking to someone on a street corner or crowded bus or something where what you say may be picked up by a security camera or even someone nearby completely within their own rights talking on the phone 3) The public sim is pretty much like any number of stores or businesses you might walk into on any given day. They are completely within their rights to record what goes on inside their store. Many of those security cameras are becoming equipped with sound recording capabilities too. 4) Your chat logs are being saved anyway. By you and anyone else in the sim who has the option enabled. Are you going to get mad at the person next to you on a bus that's on the phone because your conversation is being heard by the person on the other end of the call? Are you going to sue your neighbor because they installed a Ring style doorbell with a camera in it, and you happened to be walking your dog as the pizza delivery guy rang their doorbell? Or that a stray cat ran across their lawn, activating their motion activated security camera, as you happened to be walking down the street. I'm all for privacy, but privacy has its limits. Especially in public settings. I see the chat logs as I would any security camera. It's for my protection as much as it is for theirs. If something happened and I was accused, you can look back at the logs and determine what really happened. Since it's a bot automatically posting the logs to discord, it would be reasonable to assume that the logs have not been tampered with.
  2. Old thread I know I know. Got to this thread because I was searching for the answer to the same question. What the OP is asking is how to get a list of the nearby people in the chat window like in the SL viewer. I've searched through the Firestorm options in search of this, and the only thing I've been able to find is the option to open a list of nearby people in a seperate window, which doesn't suit the purpose.
  3. So I bought an item on the marketplace, and as soon as I had paid for it the item disappeared from the Marketplace. Presumably so I wouldn't be able to post a review (because the item wasn't as described) or flag the item. I don't know what to do. I'd love to get my money back, but past experiece with LL is that they don't really care.
  4. St0rmyN1ght wrote: go to Preferences >>> Firestorm >>> Avatar and set the two sliders at the top to limit horizontal and vertical movement of your av's head to zero First let me start by saying I know this is an old thread, but I came across it while trying to solve this issue myself. This creates a dilema: 1) Bump an old thread and be called for it. 2) Create a new thread and be called out for not using search (even if you did) and using one of the old threads. It's usually a no-win situation and you get called out which ever way you try (sometimes even getting called out for both). So, I apologize in advance. Anyways, Like I was saying I too was trying to solve the issue of my character's head constantly following the mouse. Setting the yaw and pitch to 0 in the advanced settings seems to have solved the issue slightly, but not completely. My character no longer follows my mouse all over the place, but seems to still turn her head based on camera rotation. This is not normally an issue, but is really annoying when trying to click something on her face, like her eyes. It feels like I'm trying to feed a two year old that keeps shaking their head no as I try to turn the camera to get a good view of her face so I can edit her eyes. Note: Making airplane or choo choo noises doesn't help either! The "Stop Animating Me" option also doesn't seem like a solution (unless it's not working as intended) since the character only stops being animated for a spit second and resumes moving again shortly after the option is pressed or the camera is moved.
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