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Rita Vhargon

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Everything posted by Rita Vhargon

  1. This, let us not do this anymore. You don't see the number of readers who boil when they witness the lack of empathy verging on bullying. I was one of those readers. There was calm and helpful advice too. Thank you to those folks.
  2. THIS is the reason that people with major issues were becoming hysterical, because they believed LL would do nothing and their complaints would be ignored. Put yourself in their shoes - unable to afford a new computer or upgrade it, and no longer able to use SL. SL is more than just a hobby to many of us. It becomes a huge part of our lives. But LL recognised a serious problem that could impact the future success of SL. So these were NOT chronic complainers. They were people enjoying SL and then suddenly locked out.
  3. Are you saying people complained too much? If you are, I beg to differ. As someone pointed out, it took the Firestorm release and the meltdown that followed for LL to finally pay serious attention. There is a valuable lesson here, and that is for regular forum posters to put themselves in other's shoes when they desperately seek your help. And use common sense. It was obvious that there was a major problem, hence the strong flow of posts and new topics flooding the forums.
  4. 🙄 and the other horrible advice that was thrown at distressed people coming here looking for help. Most just wanted acknowledgement that they were not alone, but the way they were treated by regular posters here was horrible. Telling these poor people that they are 'whining', and to go pull out that old GPU and just put in a new one, so easy, and thus making people feel inadequate because they don't want to and are not as confident or clever as the advisors. And telling people that 'I'm doing fine and so are all my friends so you have to step up and sort out your issues or quit or keep whining. THIS is how people were treated. Well, these regular posters who mostly ganged up and supported each other with likes and hearts were wrong, because LL are taking the blame, owning the problem and trying to fix it. It's a joke that anyone even thought LL only wanted people who can afford high end computers, and the rest of their customers can say goodbye.
  5. This is different. They have already improved performance in the latest viewer. They are recognising issues, and are trying to fix things. As time goes on things will improve and stabilise. And as for saying LL have common sense, it's because I am contrasting their approach to a solution to those given by so many forum posters here who were pushing people to upgrade their computers, and not recognising the extent of the problem. Those posters did not use common sense.
  6. One thing LL does have is common sense. They didn't ignore a significant number of users having problems. They recognised it as their problem to fix, and not up to a large proportion of residence to fork out on new computers or learn how to change computer hardware etc. to 'support their hobby', or else give up. They didn't believe that this was the solution. So I give them credit for being smart.
  7. I think this is an exaggeration 🤔. I find this hard to believe, especially the profits. Show me your MP store with heaps of 5 Star reviews then I'll believe it.
  8. Can I just take my land tier donation out of the group? I want this to have minimum impact on the group. My premium runs out in a month. oh ok I think you did answer it, I can do that
  9. I want to downgrade to basic today. Will I still keep my group allocated mainland until my premium runs out? What happens to the group tier when I'm out, is it just automatically added to the monthly payments?
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