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Everything posted by Myjrn

  1. Ariel Vuissent wrote: There should be something in the folder labelled Applier, Kemono Applier, Skin Applier, or something similar. Add that to your avatar. It'll appear, usually, as a rod in your hand. Click on the rod. You may get a blue pop-up box in the corner of your screen. Click "Apply All," or similar, and voila! In theory, at least, you are done. . I spent a good deal of time hunting for what you mentioned and was unable to find it. Either I am blind or something is just not right. Upon a google search I was provided with an option for PURCHASING a TEXTURE applier (somehow that doesn't seem right to me. This isn't like an XBOX, you don't just buy the system and spend more and more to switch things up with new controllers... I don't really think thats right) but upon clear inspection, I was pushed elsewhere for three seperate possibilities that vary in complication.
  2. I'm a brand new usaer, straight from IMVU and I figured I'd dive into this community branching off from the norm and approach as a furry... That being said of course, from IMVU to this website, I am entirely overwhelmed with how things work, and frankly kind of fed up with constantly juggling of trying. I spent nearly an hour nearly in tears trying to figure out how to set up my Kenomo avatar correctly, and after repeated reads didn't find a lick of help on how to. It seems like unless you KNOW the circuit, you're SOL on finding any useful tutorials on how to do anything. My problem sits in skin appliers on the Kenomo Avatar I suppose the entire manner of doing anything for it completely aludes me, but I want to apply a skin to this body, and have been met with zero luck on how to do so. If someone could give me a basic, for dummies, step by step I'd be... forever grateful... I want to give Second Life a chance, but if things keep spiralling and being so difficult, I think I'll have to duck out.
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