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Everything posted by DahliaReine

  1. Oh my gosh... I feel like a REAL idiot now haha. "blushes and lowers head" Thanks, that did it!
  2. Thank you both so much. The script now saves with no errors, but it doesn't give me the pop up menu as it did before. Any ideas? The master prim is set to touch. The slave prim contains 2 scripts. 1 for upper and the other for lower which saved fine. Thanks again.
  3. Hi all, I'm very new to scripts and I'm trying to use a script that worksk on other grids however is giving me an error when trying to use here. Basically, the script when touched will call a menu for Upper and Lower that then gives submenus that contain inventory textures.The error is found at the beginning of timer() I'm hoping someone can help me sort it. Thanks in advance. This is the script - // by Nitewind Armistice // License GNU/BSD // Feel free to use and modify // Keep the authors/ modifiers references included // NOT FOR SALE! list main_menu = ["Upper", "Lower"]; // Main menu list Pants_menu = ["Foot", "Full Body", "None", "Panties", "Shorts", "Thighs", "Toes"]; // Sub-Menu for Lower list Shirt_menu = ["Long Sleeve", "TShirt", "None"]; // Sub-Menu for Upper integer listen_channel = -123456; // Channel that you script will listen on make sure it is not a public channel and // set the same in the other scripts that you are using with the hud integer handle; default { on_rez(integer start_param) { // rests the script when rezzed llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { // reset script when the owner or the inventory changed if (change & (CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) llResetScript(); } state_entry() { handle = llListen(listen_channel,"",llGetOwner(),""); // only listens for the owner of the item that this // script is in llListenControl(handle,FALSE); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llListenControl(handle,TRUE); // open listen handler to listen for any of the buttons that are touched llSetTimerEvent(30.0); // set that time for the listen handler is open to be used it is done in seconds llDialog(llDetectedKey(0),"Try a selection...", main_menu, listen_channel); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message == "Lower") // if the Pant button is pressed it will goto the sub-menu pants { llDialog(id,message + " Dialog", Pants_menu, listen_channel); } if (message == "Upper") // if the Pant button is pressed it will goto the sub-menu shirt { llDialog(id,message + " Dialog", Shirt_menu, listen_channel); } if (message == "Back") // this is listneing for the button to be pushed it will go back to the main menu { llDialog(id,message + " Dialog", main_menu, listen_channel); } } } timer() } llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // sets timer to 0.0 second llOwnerSay("You waited too long to pick, resetting menu."); // message owner this message when 30 seconds is up llListenControl(handle,FALSE); // shuts off listening handler where they will have to touch the hud again to // get the menu } // End Script
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