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Posts posted by s2Pandora

  1. As a resident of Dimanche, all I can say is welcome to all the future new neighbors!
    I love my view even more now.

    3 hours ago, AzureWaves said:

    I'm not a fan of these bridges at all!

    Aw! I personally love the crap out of the Linden Home bridges. I've got a new bridge view if I up my draw distance, but i'm good with the one near my house.
    I actually hadn't known about the new land mass being so much bigger until a friend who uses my Linden Homes pointed it out.

    • Like 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, Jackson Redstar said:

    while I cant say if any of the update improved performance at all .. my .02 also says this is all just another layer of complexity that new users to SL with have to deal with if they use the FS viewer

    It's totally optional, though. Complexity numbers are still easier to read if you want a simple go-to for who's carrying an elephant.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, cunomar said:

    This whole thread may as well be written in Klingon for me but i have often wondered why my clothed flatchest maitreya with lelutka head and all the bells and whistles is like 1/4 the complexity of my plain and boring jeans and t-shirt adam body lelutka head .  I never noticed any difference FPS or lag between the two .

    Sometimes the lag is hardly noticeable if at all. Tbh I lag a LOT less after this FS update. I can actually play with Shadows on and not have it be a slideshow.

    Also it's hard to get a read on exact numbers, as from what i've seen the number will fluctuate wildly. If you so much as spin your camera to the side or back of your avatar, you may end up thousands more or less. Also zoom level seems to dictate it as well.

    There's a particular store that has nice looking clothing, but I find many of it's pieces send my complexity through the roof.

  4. 4 hours ago, latinatransgirl said:

    im confused by this nothing seems to indicate which you will get

    Generally on those "next up" machines, they'll have an arrow or something pointing to a number. If you were to "play" that machine, you would get that number. Some machines will tell you the next few grabs after that one as well. It's not so much gambling as you know what you'll get. If the one you want isn't up or even on the loadout yet.. well, money saved.

    I do occasionally see the old, traditional gachas in people's stores, but they are generally not well-known merchants and are probably lagging behind.

  5. So I am not sure if it's always been the case, but while looking around I accidentally clicked on a door on somebody's Newbrook home(I tend to click when camming sometimes).. and it made a knocking sound 3 times and gave me a message that i'm not authorized to open or close the doors, etc.

    Is this a new thing or has it been in? The last time I clicked on a door on purpose without remembering to set myself to be able to was my Stilt home, and there was no such message or noise iirc.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Echelon Alcott said:

    I did a quick experiment with male bodies and their respective rendering times - all of them were measured under the same conditions - and as already pointed out by Beq and others, please be aware that these are measurements on my computer and should be compared among themselves, not to be compared with measurements on your computer:

    Signature Gianni


    Meshbody Legacy (Demo)


    Meshbody Classic


    Belleza Jake


    Inithium Kario (Demo)


    I know that some people hate Kario with a passion, but it is so much faster to render compared to the other mesh bodies, since it is BOM and does not have all the cuts as the other ones. Using ARC, we were unable to measure the rendering improvement of the Kario body, but now with this tool, we can see how much better it is from a rendering/lag perspective.

    I probably should start wearing my Jake more often than my Gianni now, with this information in my hands.

    While I am not at all a fan of Inithium, that is one thing I will give them credit for. Every body should have a BOM only version for those who don't need the cutouts.
    I hadn't thought to check my male bodies. Only my female. I also did it with the general essentials on (head, hair, etc). Much lower without all that of course, but still a bit scary.

    • Like 7
  7. 7 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


    If I ever read a comment like that from a creator, they will end up on my list of "never buy from".  While some of your customers might not be able to figure some of the specifics out, saying they are stupid and just overall being condescending and rude in the reply, does not show professionalism at all.


    I see a surprisingly large amount of creators who have nasty or snarky replies to negative reviews. Checking replies to negative reviews you see on things is a good indicator as to whether or not you should give that person your money.

    Time to grow up, OP.

    • Like 5
  8. 9 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Are they popular because they're the new thing, because people like the look of them, or because they can have a 512 m house on a 1024 lot?

    Personally, I like the Victorian Homes best, though the Log Home regions are nice for my wolf avatar to go for a walk. Luckily our house is near the Log Home region as well as a public island to explore.   I'm waiting expectantly to see what goes in next to us.  🙂

    They are nice houses, but that 512 house on larger is awesome.

    Vics went really fast as well. If I could afford to have a third LH, i'd def get one.

    • Like 2
  9. Hey there.

    I'm hoping perhaps somebody can point me in a general direction here, as any search i've done for anything I can think would lead to it has come up with nil.

    At the beginning of the Level event this month, I saw a woman wearing some hoop earrings. They were sizeable ones, and when I saw her before she jellydoll'd on me, I noticed her hoop earrings were kind of.. swaying. I figured maybe they were animesh or something, but i've not been able to find much in the way of any animesh earrings at all. I wish i'd gotten a screenshot at least!

    If anybody has any idea of what these may have been, i'd be greatly appreciative!

  10. Pets have personally never bothered me. I find most of my visual lag at least comes from avatar bodies themselves, or their accessories with a billion little vertices.

    For shopping events, I usually just use Firestorm's "Show Friends Only" option. I have never seen anybody on my friend's list at an event. I also don't need to see your boobs/butt swinging wildly while standing still(ew). I feel for those that don't have this option, though.

    • Like 1
  11. Belleza Freya



    Kalhene Erika

    Belleza Jake

    Legacy Male


    My all time favorite body will always be Belleza, but as they are basically getting pushed out(but still tons of older stuff) i've been using my Legacy more(would still love for it's legs to be able to be made a little chunkier. Pony thighs are too easy to have and I hate it). Also i've been having this issue with my Belleza bodies lately where things just reactivate themselves randomly(alphas, mesh nipples) or when I log out and then back in. It's incredibly annoying.

    • Like 1
  12. Both as well. My husband and I rent from a private estate(mainland feels like playing russian roulette), so luckily we have theme on the region in terms of landscaping. Our main house is on the ground, while we have our skyboxes for other little themes or just where our adult furniture is lol.

    When it comes to my Bellisseria home though, ground only. Far too nice a spot to live in a skybox.

    • Like 6
  13. Yes, Happy Paw has so far had the most reliable heads when it comes to fitting rigged hair. Many of the others(Cerberus, etc) tend to be too wide, and shaping is pretty limited on furry heads compared to human. Thus harder to find decent styles for them.

    Many look to Magika. I hear many of theirs will fit furry heads. I've had pretty good luck with many Monso, DeLa, and Olive. The big name hair makers though.. their styles tend to be far too narrow.

    If you are in to more "punk" hairs, Bad Hair Day has some great styles that i've found fit furry heads decently.

    • Like 1
  14. Song also has some nice ones, but buy at your own risk as I don't believe they offer demos(for whatever reason). It's actually been a long time now since i've bought any for this reason, but they still look nice on the vendor.

    • Like 1
  15. Going to pass as well. The breasts look awful to me(they look like a bad boob job imo), and the sliders overall on the body don't sway the ways I like. I like the little bit of angle to the hips, rather than just.. round like some bodies these days, but the legs can't go big/chunky enough for wide hips unless you want extreme pony thighs.

    The pricing isn't very competitive with everybody and their mothers making mesh bodies these days, it seems.

    Interested to see if anything is addressed at some point, and if so i'll take another look.

  16. Also glad i'm not the only one on the butt height issue. The deformer doesn't help it at all.

    Overall the butt has bothered me enough lately that i've gone back to Freya and Legacy. It's still an overall nice body, but now that i've had time to really wear it around, it can use some work.. that unfortunately I don't think deformers are going to fix.

    A larger range on butt size would be great as well.. it's still too big even with deformers imo.

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