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Posts posted by VanessaVoltaire

  1. Hello there,

    I've been using the LOGO Chloe mesh head for quite some time now, but I am curious about upgrading to a bento head. The reason I've held off for such a long time, is because I was never able to achieve a desirable look with any of them. I've seen many people pull off amazing looks with the Catwa Catya head, but I personally can't stand Catwa's HUD. I think it's clunky, cumbersome, and just completely unappealing. The HUD issue coupled with the fact that I haven't been able to achieve a desirable look with Catwa, kept me away from bento heads ever since they came out.

    A couple days ago I discovered the Lelutka bento heads. I tried their mesh heads awhile back and wasn't really a fan, but I am loving their bento heads and the HUD that comes with it. I understand that going with Lelutka over Catwa will mean decreased support (i.e. going with any other mesh body over Maitreya Lara), but will that support dwindle even further if I pick one Lelutka head over the others? I guess what I'm trying to say is will all the Lelutka appliers work on all the Lelutka bento heads, and do any of the heads have more support behind them than the others (i.e. have appliers specifically made for them.)? I have an idea for which head I want to choose from Lelutka, but I don't want to choose it if another one has a lot more options and support behind it.

  2. Hello there,

    I got teleported to an extremely laggy area and had to relog because nothing would rez. It took me several minutes to get back into Second Life. When I got back in, I found that certain items (one of my boots, a shirt, and gloves I was wearing will not work. Everything else works just fine. It just seems to be these specific items. Anyone know what happened here?

  3. Hello there!

    I've been looking through the marketplace for a specific script and have yet to find one that does what I want. Basically what I'm looking for is a tip jar script that I can put into any object. This script also needs to be able to display the last amount that was tipped, the total amount tipped in the objects lifetime, and it needs to be able to keep those amounts saved whenever I pick the object up and put it in my inventory.

    I'm sure there are some scripts out there that do this already, but I also want this script to be able to hold 3 lines of text with at least 16 characters for each line (more would be preferable). This text should be displayed above the last tipped amount and the total tipped amount. It should be easy to edit this text with a simple click and type. I do not want to have to edit notecards, dig through script code, etc... Also, the ability to change the all the text color with multiple options would be nice.

    If you are interested in this project, please send me a notecard in world in case my IM's are capped. I would like an estimate if possible. 


  4. Hello there,

    I bought the Maitreya mesh avatar a few weeks back and just recently been trying to see if any mesh implants work with the avatar. I've noticed Lola's don't look too bad with it, but I am having a hard time getting the Eclipse implants to fit perfectly. I would show pictures but they obviously can't be posted in this forum. Basically the top part near the neck and the sides are all distorted. Is there anyway to make them fit without any distortion? Are there any big implants out there that work with Maitreya or any of the other mesh bodies? 


  5. Hello there,

    I have been running SL for about 2-3 years just fine with the computer Im using now. However, recently I have been getting the error message "display driver has stopped responding and has recovered", and it all seemed to happen after I tried to update my drivers for a different game. 

    I have tried doing a complete driver uninstall with the display driver uninstaller and updating to the latest drivers, as well as a factory restore. I also tried to manually edit the registry to include a "TdrDelay" on the graphics card. I have tried rolling back to an older driver (I believe it was AMD Catalyst 14.4), but still nothing works. In a last ditch effort I tried to test the memory to see if that was failing, but again nothing.

    I don't know what else to try here...

    I am on Windows 8.1 64 bit and using an AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series GPU. 

  6. Hmmm after looking through the Pink Fuel skins, I noticed a lot of the appliers are for the LOGO Alex head. Is it going to make a difference if I use it on LOGO Chloe? I know to look for Maitreya appliers or Maitreya in the description when it comes to skintones, but what specfically am I looking for when looking for LOGO Chloe appliers? Will any LOGO applier do, or does it have to specifically say LOGO Chloe? 

    I've seen Omega in the Marketplace a lot, but what exactly is it? Is it a mesh body, head, etc...? I'm still kind of new to certain household terms in the Marketplace. 

    I'm not entirely attached to any particular Slink shoes. I just thought Slink had far more support than Maitreya did at the moment. 

    I use the LOGO head because it was simple and easy to use. Upon first attempt of using LetLuka, I didn't understand it at all. I'm assuming LetLuka has far more support though. Is Maitreya the highest supported mesh body right now? 

  7. First, I apologize for asking the question that's probably been asking a hundred times already. I'm not a complete noob when it comes to this stuff, but I'm still learning the more detailed mechanics. Any help would be appreciated. 

    I recently made the switch from a standard body to the Maitreya mesh body and purchased the LOGO Chloe mesh head to go along with it. I've been having trouble trying to get the head, body, and slink feet to be all one skintone though. I'm assuming you have to buy skins that have Maitreya, Slink and LOGO appliers, but are there any good stores out there that support all 3? I'm trying to get rid of any uneven parts of my avatar and noticed the neck either doesn't quite line up right, or it's a different skintone shade than the body. Is there anyway to make it all seemless? 

    Also, since I'm new to the Maitreya body, what clothes should I be looking for? Will standard sizing work or is it best to look for clothes that specfically mention support for Maitreya? Will mesh clothes work?


  8. Hello there!

    I don't know what's possible in SL with scripts and such but I have a very specific request. I'm looking for a mesh vault door that when clicked brings up a menu to add a user remove a user etc... This vault door would also have a function that allows you to check the linden dollar balance of all the users on the vault door and it will display that amount in floating text above. However this vault will also have a pay option that allows users to pay directly into the vault sending that money to the owner of the vault door which will be displayed in another number above the vault. 

    In addition to this I was wondering if it would be possible to create a tip jar system that is linked to the vault somehow. This way whenever someone pays one of these tip jars, that number is aded to the total paid number above the vault. In effect this would link all the tip jars and vault door together so that whenever someone pays one of these items it's added and displayed as a "grand total". I want a few different tip jars made so please contact me in world with a notecard or IM

    If something on this list isn't possible please let me know and we can try to work out what is possible. Just contact me for more infromation. 


  9. I'm currently looking for someone capable of making mesh videogame props. It doesn't have to be anything fancy since these will mostly be used for decoration of a new gamers lounge I'm currently working on, but I do want excluisivity if possible. Contact me inworld via notecard or IM and we can negotiate on prices. Include examples of previous work if possible. 


  10. How exactly does copyright work in Second Life? I've looked it up but I don't quite fully understand as I've seen developers make something almost identical to a Playstation game console but rename it something different, and seen developers blantantly ripoff the Playstation name or some of the characters Sony owns. Is either of these 2 ways legal? For instance, could I have someone make me a super mario decoration if it served absolutely no purpose other than to be used as a decoration item? 

  11. Hello there,

    I recently purchased a home on the marketplace and I'm having the furniture removed and the texture changed slightly by the creator. I will also be moving onto a 1/4th full region parcel soon so I'm looking for someone skilled in both interior and exterior design. The project is going to be a high class BDSM mansion and will be adult themed, so please keep that in mind when it comes to the decor.I will either meet with you to go over your decor suggestions in the marketplace and buy the ones I approve of, or I will use stuff you already have. I'd prefer someone skilled at seraching the marketplace for all those odds and ends pieces, but it really just depends on what options you have in your inventory pretaining to the theme.

    Style: Should include antique and old fashioned furniture. Think High Profile, Classy, Old Fashioned, Victorian, Edwardian, Rococo, Baroque, etc... You don't have to stay within those styles but please keep modern furniture to a minimum aside from the toys. 

    Home: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Villa-Anatra/3511898

    Comments: Those who are skilled at putting in the attention to detail and finding all those curios, that fit the scene well get priority. 

    All interested parties should drop me a notecard in world with their rates and provide examples of past work. 


    Thank you.

  12. I'm currently looking to rent 1/4 of a sim. This land should be adult rated, commericial zone, and full perms. Terrain should be grass and there should be absolutely no annoying things allowed. (Ban lines, big mountains, unecessarily huge structures that serve no purpose whatsoever, low skyboxes, etc...) I just want a nice, neat, organized 1/4th sim with the above mentioned zoning, rating, and terrain. Please IM me or drop me a notecare in world. I will respond ASAP. 

  13. Hello there,


    I recently found a building I like on the marketplace but don't want to buy it until I can find somebody capable of texturing it to my specific needs. Here's a link to the builiding in question...




    I'm looking to redesign this mansion into a BDSM club so I was thinking maybe pink and black, black gray and white, Black and red, etc... perhaps even light pink and white. Here are a few examples of textures that I like but I have no idea if they will actually work on the building in question. Therefore I might need to have something made that's similar. 






    If you think you can texture this building in the style I'm looking for please give me a few examples of your work and drop me a notecard in world. We can negotiate a price and work things out from there. Thanks.


  14. I'm thinking about getting my own land and my own house but I'm curious about a few things.

    1. If I give my friend permission to edit my objects and whatnot, can they edit the textures on my house, move furniture around that I've laid out and so forth? I know they can't access the inventory. I was just wondering if they could edit the textures on the walls, floor, and stuff like that because I don't know how to edit textures just yet.

    2. What are the risks for giving said permissions? Could they edit the land itself and "grief" my property? Could they steal objects such as the furniture and the house? I am going to copy everything before I try to edit or let anyone edit it. I just wanted to know are there significant risks involved?

    3. I heard it's possible to hire an "interior decorator" in the in world employment forums. How exactly does that work? Do you pay for all the furniture or do they just make you pay a certain amount and use stuff they made or have in their inventory?

    4. Is it possible to hire a person to retexture a house? 


  15. 1. Make it mandatory that all stores must have demos of all their stuff, preferably done automatically. 

    Everything else can wait.

    I've only been here for a month and a half and I can't tell you how many times I "took the chance" thinking "well...maybe" then got slapped in the face with a steaming pile of crap. I made it a personal rule of mine to never buy anything that doesn't have a demo now. Also, if I click "see item in world" and teleport to your main stores location and have to spend more than 10 minutes looking for said item I leave. 

  16. Here's the basic layout of the structure. It's a bit crude but if you need anything explained let me know. I will do my best to make things clear. :) 

    Floor 1


    Basically there's going to be 2 30x30 rooms with a 60x10 hallway on each side that connects 3 20x20 rooms on each side as well. The first 30x30 room is going to be the main lobby. In the center of this lobby, I plan to put a receptionist desk and some signs beside it for group info and such. Although it's not drawn on here, I also plan to put 2 semi circular staircases leading up to the second floor catwalk and Master Bedroom. Points A-F are to be sliding glass doors that operate automatically, while points 1-6 are to be regular doors. 

    Floor 2


    This may be kind of confusing but I tried to outline in red where the second floor is going to be. All you really have to worry about is the 10x 30 catwalk that goes all the way around the first 30x30 room and the 3 30x30 rooms on the 2nd floor. The first of those 30x30 rooms is to be a Master Bedroom. The 30x30 room to the left is to have an open spinning vault door and is going to be like a walk in safe. The 30x30 room to the right of the Master Bedroom is going to be a private strippers stage. When you walk into that room, the back 10x30 wall will be the stage. 

    This should be a 60x90 building (maybe a bit more when you include wall thickness and stuff. However I also plan to have front courtyard and a outside pool area in the back, both of which will be 30x90 or whatever is left I want the entire project to fit a 120x120 area or 1/4 of a sim easily. 

    Details and Furniture

    There are some things I want built in that I didn't really express in the 2 drawings above. Things like a fountain in the courtyard out front, a pool area in the back, a couple chandaliers, the vault door, the stripping stage, etc... 

    Also as far as details are concerned I obviously don't want it to look like a box. Therefore I'd like a "face" built around the box to give it the appearance of a "classic style" building. Windows can be placed on the outside of this face, but I want them tinted a reflective pitch black so the wall can't be seen behind it. The entire builiding itself is to be done in Black and Gold Perhaps with a golden money sign on the front gate in the courtyard and a golden piggy bank on the main entrance door. 

    I will pay $70K for good work but don't really want to go aove that. If you feel you could do it and it might cost slightly more, reply here or send me a notecard and I'll see I'f I'm willing to do it. Better textures and builiding skills =- more money. 



  17. Hello there. 

    I've been looking around in the marketplace for a mansion that fits my specific needs and can't seem to find any. Therefore I have decided to hire someone to design one from scratch with a custom idea in mind. I am aware that custom builds don't come cheap, but I will pay well for quality work. 

    At the moment, this mansion is just an idea in my head with no real visual aide. I will of course go over the idea with you and draw a quick floor plan, discuss any features I want included, or whatever else helps you put my idea into perspective. Keep in mind this is the first custom project I'm seeking so if there's anything specific that you need to help visualize it let me know. I will work closely with you and offer any help I can to make sure you aren't completely lost on what I expect.

    Those interested in this job should include at least 3 examples of their work. These should perferably be homes so that I can get an idea for how well you can texture buildings and furniture. Simply link me to your catalog or provide me with landmarks to visit in world. I can't emphasize how important quality textures or building skills are. 

    If you're interested please reply here or drop me an IM in world. We can discuss and negotiate from there.

    Thank you!

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