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Macro Voss

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Everything posted by Macro Voss

  1. I'd lik to set up a scanning studio in the U.S so if any Americans are keen to partner up with me on this then hit me up yo! It'll be a lot more professional than what you see in that video.
  2. Its 80 cameras synched to under half a second, which is pretty poor. I'm working on a new rig which can sync to 1/200 of a second. Its experimental technology and there's many ways to improve. I want to be able to put clothes on them. You can't get through life just in your undies! lol
  3. lol well yeh, I'm trying to figure out how to attach her head to a customisable body but without any noticeable seams. If anyone can point me to any tutorials on how to do that I'd be extremely grateful!
  4. I've started scanning people to use as Second Life avatars. You can see it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6h1SgH5WFU Just wondering if anyone has been able to separate the head from real life scans so they can put them onto a custom body and make it look like seamless.
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