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Everything posted by Julian63

  1. i forgot my password i logged in with . and can't remember excacly the informations on the sectet question i filled in at that time. i had filled a ticket but get all the time same questions to answer even i called linden lab so they can verify that is me who is owner of this avi . they have my email adress wich i used to make the account and i answer them so they can know is really me. but it seems like a old record still going around in circle i wish they can help me to gave me another password so i can login and change the password to something i can really remember. i still can login my accoount because at the login screen i set it to remeber . but if my computer crash one moment i will never be able to login back to my account i hope that is theri a way to help me out . please please please. Julek63 Resident. S.E.J. Atherly ( rl)
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