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jordon Hefferman

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  1. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rockin/109/224/390 Hello thank you for visiting our sim or just reading our add. we are a small motorcycle club growing very fast and making a name for ourselves. we have PLENTY of home rentals and business rentals for as low as $125L per week with 75Prims. that is a total of 500$L a month for a rental. what a great price. we are family and pet friendly. we also offer a Roleplay city called Wolf Creek city. you do not have to be in the RP or MC to have a business or home rental here either. so please do not let that stop you we want anyone and everyone to come here and feel welcome like they are part of the family. if you are interested in the roleplay please continue to read and i will go into more detail. (kids are aloud with parents permission but with that being said there are more rules for kids then adults). basis of the Wolf Creek city roleplay there are a total of 5 main business which includes the following: 1.weed factory (selling and growing weed) 2.bike chop shop (selling stolen car and bike parts or full cars) 3.meth lab (making and selling meth) 4.armory (weapon making, shipping, deliveries etc) 5.strip club (money laundering) (NOTE CHILDREN AVATARS YOU ARE NOT ALOUD IN THIS BUSINESS IF YOU GET CAUGHT YOU WILL BE BANNED NO WARNING). with that being said no nudity is aloud in the strip club anyways. all of our dancers are always clothed. but there is so much more to our city then just those parts of the roleplay. there is a police department, fire department, hospital, post office, fast food restaurants, tattoo shops, bars, Car and bike stores, gun stores and a military base. you name it there is something like it on our sim. come drop in and take a look around. we are fresh but we are here to stay and grow into a huge community! we hope you come by and join in on the fun and become part of our family! in the mc or roleplay. thanks for reading everyone have a great day! ~!Storm Wolves Motorcycle Club!~ President: Stephanie Northman Vice president: Clark Wayne (Jordon Hefferman) SGT@Arms: Neo Vig Secretary: Kay Lynn (KoolKat95) Road Captain: Jacob Taylor Northman (jacobkelley.silverblade)
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