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Posts posted by Zackna79

  1. You may want to see if there is more then one land owner and also see if they have a personal problem with you. If they do that could be the reason and you will have to sort it out with them or get a Linden involved. 

  2. It may mean there is a glitch with the free gift or in some cases there is no gift anymore due to being discontinued and some owners just fail to remove them. I would recoment going into propertys on the object finding out who owns it and then contacting them directly in IM. That should clear things up for you.

  3. It would depend if you have a attack hud like Toxic or Altima or some veryation. Other wise you have been grifed and will have to get LL help. Or you could hit CTRL  ALT L anbd all things will go red. Then you can see if anything has been attached to your AV by a greifer. If you spot it you can report it as well as atempt to remove it by hitting R click and looking for remove or return to owner or delete perhaps. But more then likely your going to need to call LL and get help if it continues.

  4. It is a very simple fix friend more then likely you have something called a AO AKA Action overirde. This makes your avitar walk in manor that is not the standard SL walking and sitting pose. Most sitting pose balss chars ect are set for the standard SL AO that comes with your AV when you first start in AL. So to fix this just take off or turn off your AO. Then you should be golden. :)

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