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Alantha Weston

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Everything posted by Alantha Weston

  1. Thank you SO MUCH! I've been trying to figure out what I was doing wrong for so long >.< Finally got it to work.. One last question. Is there a way to give it a static regular texture that hides the URL I have saved when the browser isn't being used?
  2. I've been trying to google my issue for like the last two hours but I'm not having any luck. I'm trying to build an object to turn it in to a Web Browser that I can throw up on my wall, and I'm at a stand still. When I create an object and select the textures tab, normally there is supposed to be a spot at the bottom that says Media and has a + sign and a garbage can, etc. But when I build an object, none of that is in the textures tab and I can't figure out why. I've swapped between Firestorm and SLV2 to see if it was a viewer issue but neither showed that part of the textures tab for me. Can anyone help? :(
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