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Everything posted by botguide

  1. Hi , Is there any tool to create a slide show in second life ? . I found something like 3 prim whiteboard from the youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZvRk1Fi0Lk But I am not able to find it in market place. Anybody know about this or something similar to this so that i can use it in my island. Thanks
  2. Hi, I have followed the links for the scripting. And I tried the script. integer total_prims;integer link_counter;default{ state_entry() { total_prims = llGetNumberOfPrims(); llSay(0, (string) total_prims); llSetTimerEvent (1.0); } timer() { link_counter++; llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, 0.0, ALL_SIDES); llSetLinkAlpha(link_counter, 1.0, ALL_SIDES); if (link_counter == total_prims) { link_counter = 0; } }} The script is working fine . But I am not getting a continuous movement. The meshes are like appear and disappear . So here there is a gap , so that i feel that the person appears and disappears. I tried to change the timerEvent value ..but then i am confused is it possible to guve values like 0.25 , 0.5 etc... ? Alternatively what might be the possible solution to get a continuous movement. Do I need more mesh poses in between other that the two poses which is right now I am using ? If more timeframe poses ..for eg 4 or 5 meshes more , then will I get a continuous movement. Then I fear , the land impact may get increase .
  3. I tried for the display as botguide resident . Still it is not working . Showing the message as DId not find anyone named .... Is it required that both people should be friends in Second life ?
  4. Ok.. I use llSetLinkAlpha function to move the body. Here is what I tried to animate the human: The above human body have 3 key framed poses. Start and End frame are same .And one more frame in between .SO 3 poses . Then I select the 3 poses and export it as obj file . Then import these three obj files to another blender file . So I got like this . Then I export this file as a collada file and imported into second life . So I want to make this one as moving side by side ..a pose ....I tried for llSetLinkAlpha function to use . But not sure how to use this . Please help me.
  5. Ok..I created an object and wear it . The object contain this script. Then my friend login to same land and i tried to follow him by typing his name as /15 monexxct . Then the script is showing that Did not find anyone name monexxct.
  6. Hi, I am new to LSL . I created a character mesh with a pose animation . means it have an animated pose ..I create this pose in blender . And I need to get it animated in second life . Below shows the mesh in blender . And this is animated .It is moving side to side . And if I want it to get the same animation in second life what should I do. I should write a script ?
  7. So here I can use this script by attaching it on my dress ?. Then wherever I go the students can follow me by typing my name ? ..Is it correct ..Or I misunderstood the code ?
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