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Posts posted by Triexy

  1. 13 hours ago, Raven Huntsman said:

    Are you still looking for someone to help with this? Get in touch in world (raven.huntsman), i'd love for more details on what you're trying to specifically and the compensation thanks.


    yes iam still serching, I written to you, ingame you can contact me if you are online. Maybe you can written to me on what day and at what time I hope we will see us online soon :)

    Greets and thx

  2. The rectangle is from another objects sry forget to hide it. The phyisc object fits 100% because its a copy of the surface from the model. I have try 2 things, the first one was a cube with the same thicknes like the model and the second one was a plane. With Plane the Avatar drops through the model and with the cube it is like on the picture before.




    I have no Idea how to fix it

  3. Ok i have done it now like that dialog menue set the price and after that he need todo a right click on pay. Thx your helpout and to show me how it works at second life really thx it was helpfully. Give it some good Books or something to learn more because I want to learn it correct :)

  4. Yes the command money is working but I cant use it for a query

    To example

    1 week = 10l$

    2 weeks = 20$

    3 weeks = 30$

    4 weeks = 40$


    so the user has clicked on the prim and seeing now a dialog with

    1 week

    2 week

    3 week

    4 week

    after he clicked on 1 week he paid automatically 10l$ on 2 weeks 20l$ and so on.

  5. I have now the player choice his week and after that the he need to do right click and pay but I want player click on 1 week and he transfer the money to me


    list prices = [10, 20, 30, 40];list buttons = ["1 Woche", "2 Wochen", "3 Wochen", "4 Wochen"];list scripts = ["1_woche", "2_woche", "3_woche", "4_woche"];string dialogInfo = "\nPlease make a choice.";key ToucherID;integer dialogChannel;integer listenHandle;integer index;integer price;integer active = FALSE; default{on_rez(integer start_param){llResetScript();}state_entry(){llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [PAY_HIDE ,PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]);llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);}run_time_permissions(integer perm){if(perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT)state cash;}}state cash{     state_entry()    {        dialogChannel = -1 - (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetKey(), -7, -1) );            }     touch_start(integer num_detected)    {        if(!active)        {        ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0);         llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel);        listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", ToucherID, "");        }        else        {         ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0);         llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel);        listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", ToucherID, "");    }}    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)    {            // Turn off the listener at a convenient common junction. You can usually avoid coding this multiple times.        llListenRemove(listenHandle);        index = llListFindList(buttons, [message]);//look in the list of buttons for the message index         if (index >= 0)//if the message exists in the button list        {            price = llList2Integer(prices, index);//use the extracted index to get the intended price from the list of prices            llSay(0,"Pay Price Set To " + (string)price+" for "+message+ ". Please right-click and pay" );            llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [price ,PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]);//set the intended price        }    }money(key payer, integer Amount){    integer test = llListFindList(prices, [Amount]);//checks to make sure amount received is valid    if(test >= 0)    {        string script = llList2String(scripts, test);//find the script name according to the index found above        llSetScriptState(script, TRUE);//set the script named to active        llInstantMessage(payer, "You have paid for " + llList2String(buttons, test));    active = TRUE;//set to active so that future touches are not used    }    else    {        llInstantMessage(payer, "Amount invalid, please try again.");//If the amount paid isn't in the list of prices, tells avatar, and refunds them        llGiveMoney(payer, Amount);    }    llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [PAY_HIDE ,PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]);}}
  6. My problem is my if query I am using llGiveMoney and thats my problem, I want to send Money to the owner I have try it with money aso but I dont know how to do it.....


    integer price1 = 100; 
    integer price2 = 120; 
    integer price3 = 140; 
    integer price4 = 160; 
    list buttons = ["1 Woche", "2 Wochen", "3 Wochen", "4 Wochen"];
    string dialogInfo = "\nPlease make a choice.";
    key ToucherID;
    integer dialogChannel;
    integer listenHandle;
    on_rez(integer start_param)
    llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [150,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE]);
    llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
    key id = llDetectedKey(0);
    run_time_permissions(integer perm)
    if(perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT)
    state cash;
    state cash
            dialogChannel = -1 - (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetKey(), -7, -1) );
        touch_start(integer num_detected)
            ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0);
            llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel);
            listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", ToucherID, "");
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            // Turn off the listener at a convenient common junction. You can usually avoid coding this multiple times.
            if (message == "1 Woche")
               llSay(0,"bla." );
               llGiveMoney(id, price1);
              // Startet Script test
            else if (message == "2 Wochen")
                integer gCountdown = 40;
                llSay(0,"bla" );  ;//do something
             llGiveMoney(id, price2);
            else if (message == "3 Wochen")
                llSay(0,"blat" );  
                  llGiveMoney(id, price4);
    llSay(0,"bla" );

    Greets and thx



  7. Hi Leute,

    habe inzwischen raus gefunden woran es liegt, das dass Geld vom Besitzer abgezogen wird und dem anderen Avatar gut geschrieben wird. Es liegt an llGiveMoney aber ich weiss nicht was ich fuer einen Befehl stattdessen in einer Abfrage verwenden kann. Hoffe mir kann wer helfen...


    integer price1 = 100; 
    integer price2 = 120; 
    integer price3 = 140; 
    integer price4 = 160; 
    list buttons = ["1 Woche", "2 Wochen", "3 Wochen", "4 Wochen"];
    string dialogInfo = "\nPlease make a choice.";
    key ToucherID;
    integer dialogChannel;
    integer listenHandle;
    on_rez(integer start_param)
    llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [150,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE]);
    llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
    key id = llDetectedKey(0);
    run_time_permissions(integer perm)
    if(perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT)
    state cash;
    state cash
            dialogChannel = -1 - (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetKey(), -7, -1) );
        touch_start(integer num_detected)
            ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0);
            llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel);
            listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", ToucherID, "");
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            // Turn off the listener at a convenient common junction. You can usually avoid coding this multiple times.
            if (message == "1 Woche")
               llSay(0,"blbalba." );
               llGiveMoney(id, price1);
              // Startet Script test
            else if (message == "2 Wochen")
                integer gCountdown = 40;
                llSay(0,"blabla" ); 
             llGiveMoney(id, price2);
            else if (message == "3 Wochen")
                llSay(0,"Blabla" );  ;
                  llGiveMoney(id, price4);
    llSay(0,"blablba." );


  8. Hi,

    I want to rezz a other prim (object) next to my prim and after it I want to touch on my prim and he should scan the enviorment for my object and copy it to the inventory of the first prim.

    Iam trying it with llGiveInventory but I dont understanding how it works I hope anybody can helping me out,with a example.

    Greets and thx


  9. Hi,


    i have some troubles with the export of 3d max, after importing to Secondlife my unwarping is destroyed. Left side 3d max and right side Blender. The Line at the boarder is very stranged, now I need to know how to export it correctly. I hope anybody can helping me out.



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