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Everything posted by gamesreporter

  1. Sassy, it is quite simple: If the skill games were less games of chance chances would increase that players would lose less. One cannot maintain that this does not interest the players. In earlier times, the chances to win have been much higher, and older SL people will confirm you that running a whole region or even pay RL bills from wins had been possible for the best players. The top players were not idiots, fools, losers, hopeless addicts. Sure it was not fun for owners of game places when someone walked out with a total win of 1500 dollars---USD, not L$. So the games became tighter and tighter. But in general, today the machines are programmed this way that elements of chance (which is against the law) overrule any skills if not making it impossible to apply any skills. And these games are called skill games giving the impression that skills help you for a win. The opposite happens too often: The machines "know" how to protect themselves against skills. In fact, players would be better off with a casino in Las Vegas, since Nevada belongs to those states with a return law of 90-95%. That means from all money put into the machines this percentage has to flow back to the players. So it is more some sort of redestribution. California does not have such a law. Thus, returns are at the descretion of the venue owner. Currently the return max is somewhere around 10% I think.
  2. Yes Perrie, I totally agree. Yes, it is LL's responsibility. Yes, LL can do whatever LL wants unless real life laws are not broken. Gambling (games of chance) in SL is not permitted by law. Hence LL's rules, guidelines, procedures, lawyer work, administrative work etc. etc. Since gambling (games of chance) is against the law LL invented the term and definition "skill games." There are states in the US where even skill games are against the law. If you are a resident of these states (list published in the guidelines) you are not allowed to play skill games in SL except those which are free with no wager involved. So now: When skill games turn out to be still games of chance...
  3. A venue owner puts out a big sign in bold letters: By law, formal dress required, bathing suits not allowed. A list of approved clothing is published as a reference. At a closer look, most of the approved garments turn out to be bathing suits. So whoever insists that bathing suits are not formal wear is a fool?
  4. Almost any of the skill games are games of chance according the LL definitions. All those games have been approved to be skill games by LL. There are grid-wide 10000s of those machines in operation. There are operators who have invested up to 100000 USD into the gaming business. A business based by approval on 10000fold violations of the approval rules in bold print. So probably by far the biggest case of rule violation in all of SL. All year round. Forever and ever. Report LL to LL? Report to LL a business with profit to LL? Business based on 10000fold violations against guidelines in bold print. Someone has to bring that up. This matter needs people, not a single AR or email to LL ending up in a trash folder. People with backbone. People who dont look away when community rules are violated. People who know what to do. Hopefully one day someone will know what to do. And hopefully will be in the position to do it.
  5. reached before bonus round: 18100 | target 34999 | 18100x2 = 36200 | 18100+5000 = 23100 reached before bonus round: 25500 | target 34999 | 25500x2 = 56000 | 25500+5000 = 30500 reached before bonus round: 18100 | target 31999 | 18100x2 = 36200 | 18100+5000 = 23100
  6. DOOM [continuation] From 56 recorded games have been 8 wins and 48 losses. 32 of the lost games have been under 50% of the target score, so out of reach of any fortune wheel bonus. The scores remained so low because there were not enough bonuses in the 10 rounds. Neither of those bonuses could have been found or determined by skill. A further 15 games could have been won only when the 2x multiplier had appeared in the fortune wheel bonus round. One other game would have been won with the 8k bonus too. It is finally interesting to mention that, from the 8 bonuses of the final fortune wheel, the 5000 bonus appeared 15 times, almost twice as much as the average chance of 1/8th of 56 = 8. Why is that of interest? On the fortune wheel the 5000 bonus comes right before thje 2x multiplier. So the fortune wheel enjoys to stop one step before the winning 2x multiplier, if it not decides to roll over and stop only one step after the 2x at the Doom "bonus." Thus I count Doom to the games with a kidding factor which may or may not animate to continue playing.
  7. I agree in one point: Nobody cares. Otherwise there is enough documentation in the Linden Lab guidelines:
  8. Let us have a look at some of these "skill games" which have been approved as such by Linden Lab. DOOM The game DOOM by Sushant Diesel has - a board of 16 numbers with a hidden x2 multiplier - a spinner of 4 numbers - the spinner may or may not give matching numbers - the spinner may or may not give jokers and bonus medals - the board may or may not reveal the x2 multiplier - completion of a pattern marked by yellow fields gives extra points - a final bonus round may give extra points through a fortune wheel The 16 numbers on the board - a matter of chance If the spinner gives any matching number at all - a matter of chance If the spinner gives any blue or green joker at all - a matter of chance If the spinner gives any bonus medals at all - a matter of chance If the board reveals the x2 multiplier at all - a matter of chance "Skills" to find matching numbers or to place jokers earn you tiny peanuts. Only chance gives you numbers. Only chance gives you jokers. Only chance gives enough numbers and/or jokers to complete the pattern. Only chance gives you bonus medals. Only chance gives enough bonus medals to complete a row of four. Only chance reveals the x2 multiplier. Only chance lets you complete four bonus medals. Only chance reveals the x2 multiplier b e f o r e completing the four bonus medals. Have you had all that chance then you m i g h t have reached a score higher than 50% of the target. About a possible win decides the final "bonus" round with its fortune wheel. Solely and exclusively by chance. The machine could throw a pair of dice as well. In general, all but two bonuses are a mere decoration. After having all chances and applying all "skills" your score is still so low that only the 2x multiplier of the fortune wheel might get you a win. And there is the killer of chance and skills, the Doom "bonus". Gives nothing, nada, niente, nichts, rien. Please try again. Better luck next time. Any scoring depends solely upon chance, even the peanut points achieved by "skills." You cant apply any skills when the spinner does not give you any number or joker round after round. Could be as many as 6 out of 10. Linden Lab: "'Skill Game refers to any game: 1) whose outcome is determined by skill and is not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance."
  9. Rather recently Linden Lab changed its game policy to meet certain laws. The new policy was published in all details. The following quote is taken from wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official: Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ#What_does_Linden_Lab_consider_a_skill_game.3F "Approved games of skill will be permitted on Skill Gaming Regions. [...] 'Skill Game' refers to any game: 1) whose outcome is determined by skill and is not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance; [...]" Out of many popular games, only a few made it through the certification process. Most of them, however, have in common that any decent score can be reached only and solely by chance which in turn gives the games the possibility to control the output.
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