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Posts posted by SurrenderAnn

  1. I think we all have stories that are about addiction to SL or another game, which is why we are on this post.  I am a current Sl gamer who was never much of an addict (maybe spent 30 minutes a night before going to bed wandering around with my avatar) until I met a man in Sl who stole my heart..  He was somewhat of an addict - spending his nights going back and forth between being on SL and spending time with his wife in the living room so she would not suspect what he was doing in his office (he kept SL a secret from her).  Not only did this man who was married, as was I, steal my heart, but together we spent hours on SL each week. A couple hours at night and then probably 4 hours or more together on the weekends. Eventually we met in real life and became lovers and stopped going on SL altogther. Long story short, we decided not to cheat physically after a while and we became phone friends. Shortly after that he started going back onto SL but did not want to spend anymore time with me there because now i was too "real."  Not only did he go back to being on SL and not wanting to spend time with me there, he was having sex on there, while calling me his girlfriend in RL, and while being married. THen he met another lady there and started falling for her, and told me about in RL as if it had no impact to my feelings...I guess he saw it as seperate somehow.  I saw things for what they were - this man had a pattern of addiction. He would rather spend time in SL for hours with online strangers than live his RL. It was probably due to alot of frusturation and boredom, but still.  I finally told him I could not talk to him anymore. It was just too hard to hear about his SL love life and be as in love with him as I was in the RL.  I told him if he wanted to spend time wtih ME on SL to give me a call, or if he chose to give up SL to give me a call. He did not argue with me. Just told me he understood fully how I felt. And now he is still on SL doing what he did when I met him - picking up ladies for sex and as far as I know, he is probably getting closer and closer to that one lady he told me about...soon he will be phone friends with HER.  

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