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Posts posted by JemyMurphy

  1. I have tried to search the forum on this, and I got a few clues from other threads, but I did not feel something concrete.

    I wish to have some ideas and input by those familiar with this phenomenon. If you already seen it you know what I talk about.

    First I noticed someone appearing right in front of my door at a skydome at 2500m up in my parcel while I was working on animation engines there. The tp-through was so fast that I did not have enough time to type the name down, so I placed a "Tracer" that report name and coordinates when an avatar entered and left my parcel.

    A day later I got 'it' in the log. It had no profile. Born 2020/02/12. I tried to contact this avatar (no response). It was a member of a rp place (that send group-invite when an avatar enter their place) and it also had a pick to a landlord. I contacted the rp place who banned the account and I decided to block it from my parcel since it was annoying to think a friend tp'd in only to be disappointed.

    Since this event I kept the tracer up and I noted a few avatars passing through. I first assumed they were just flying past my parcel at a high or low altitude, but now i know more.

    Fast forward and I had a 2nd Tracer active on a different sim for awhile. While it was active I noted several accounts tp'ing through at a high altitude (2-4k in the air, when most of the 'stuff' there was on the ground). I noted that if I put every avatar passing both mine and that parcel on a list, and looked at commonalities, there were some, when considering different 'clusters' of avatars. There were similar styles in how they were named (some with with 1-2 letter difference, some with Firstname Surname and some named after greek gods). The similar named avatars had connected rezdates. Some 'clusters' were around 60 days old. Some around 4030 days old (1-5 days between). Some around 300-400 days old. All appearing very quickly before tp'ing away. One had the exact same coordinates every day. Others varied somewhat in latitude and coordinates. Some of these appeared BOTH on my parcel, AND the other, with about 10-20 hours in between, even if those are located very far between on the map.

    Reading up on the forum, I was pointed to Tiny Empires and SurveyBots. Actually, one of the avatars was called SurveyBot## where ## is a number. Another one had "bot" in their profile. I do not know how "Tiny Empires" works.

    After taking the 2nd tracer down, a friend from the place I had my 2nd Tracer rezzed asked me if a new visitor appearing on their sim was my alt. A day later I saw the very same avatar appear in a different parcel I was visiting right next to me, on ground, seemingly with no reason for it being there, and pretty far from the first landmark. It was another avatar without profile, 2019/07/16 in rezday, named after a cosmetic brand (googled it).

    I would like to learn a bit more about what this is.

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