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  1. heya, im looking to make some friends, preferably some who actually stick around, keep chatting, dont leave SL the very next day and log in more than once a month, being on at similar times is definitely a plus. im from germany, roughly on at times between midnight and noon sl time. im rather shy, quiet and introverted, at least until i got to know and feel comfortable around someone. i totally suck at small talk and i prefer IMs over local. i never really know what to talk about with people or dont want to bother them. in rl im a computer engineer, so obviously i enjoy scripting and building, with prims, using an external program to make mesh isnt exactly building in my opinion :-p i like math and science, yeah im a nerd. every now and then i dj on chew.tv and occasionally in sl too. i love anime and cartoons, sometimes i play online games, usually star wars the old republic or minecraft (please dont judge me lol). some days i like running or going to the gym, others i munch ice cream or stuff my face with pizza and slurp wine :-p i absolutely love cuddling, what i cant stand is when someone is having nothing but sex on their mind and considers cuddling some kind of foreplay. great way to make me dislike them. i kind of like bdsm though, my way, its not really high on my priority list though. generally i dont care who or what you are, if you are nice and friendly to me im nice and friendly to you. im not opposed to rp in general, i just find the way its often done in sl is simply not interesting or appealing to me, like having to wait 20 minutes until someone is done writing their 5 page paragraph is just boring me, or wanting everything as realistic as possible but then having their whole life story on their profile, it makes no sense to me. i dont care if you are straight, bi, gay, lesbian, trans, short, tall, black, white, whatever. your appearance should be human(ish) though, no furries please, i just had bad experiences with them so far. so, if you are not already scared away by this wall of text and think im interesting and want to get to know me, shoot me a message or a notecard inworld
  2. you sound just like me. seems most times i have to initiate conversations and hanging around with people is a rarity. i had my feelings hurt a lot, last time yesterday :-/ i have tried posting here too but without much luck. oh yeah, im shy and quiet too. i think we could get along quite well =)
  3. im a shy and quiet introvert with a sarcastic sense of humour, my better sides come out in private one on one chats, talking in bigger crowds isnt my thing so I usually stay quiet even when enjoying my surroundings. im looking for nice friends to hang around and have fun and maybe a gf to spend my sl with =) im female, 40 from germany music is my passion. i love listening to and making music. djing is my way of expressing my feelings and emotions. Psy Trance is my drug I like dancing, clubbing, roaming around SL exploring new places, chilling at a beach or sailing.
  4. im a shy and quiet introvert with a sarcastic sense of humour, my better sides come out in private one on one chats, talking in bigger crowds isnt my thing so I usually stay quiet even when enjoying my surroundings. im looking for nice friends to hang around and have fun and maybe a gf to spend my sl with =) music is my passion. i love listening to and making music. djing is my way of expressing my feelings and emotions. I like dancing, clubbing, roaming around SL exploring new places, chilling at a beach or sailing.
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