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  1. @DeadSet99You're probably infected with malware or a keylogger if they're able to track you anywhere like that. If you used Teamviewer or VNC at any point, then they can see your screen and send a legion after you. Make sure you keep up with safety including antivirus scans and the like. Uninstall things you're uncertain of, or if you're willing to, just wipe the whole computer and start fresh... It is only happening with the one PC, right? @Lindal Kidd It still comes down to restricting build in the region you're in. Point it out to the moderators in question and hopefully they do something. If not, relocate yourself. Setting the build ability on the parcel in question is enough, but some instances might require expanding the restrictions to prevent things from entering the parcel as well. Turning off pushing is also an option for parcels as well.
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